Don't you wish you could slap the stupid out of people?
I have friends on FB that feel that MUST COMMENT on everything I repost/post. I posted something tonight. I knew the person would answer. But what I want to know is….why do they feel THEY MUST COMMENT? I just want to SLAP THE STUPID OUT OF PEOPLE. I don’t go around online commenting on every post on FB.
First off it would make me boring. Second would make me look like I have no life. And lastly well I have a busy life so I just go on maybe 2xs a day and check out what is going on with my family, friends, etc.
Really people need to just understand that my posts are: 1 always going to be sarcastic, 2 funny, 3 combo of 1 and 2. Lastly I am always going to be me. So I will never apologize for anything that people cannot take a good laugh for. If they take life seriously do not follow me on FB. I am not for you.
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23 Answers
I am so in the same trench as you have found yourself in. But in the end, bitch slapping all those that are clueless or that rub you the wrong way there will only find yourself, as you say, “looking like you have no life” when in reality you have a life that you have allowed FB cretins to invade.
Expecting FB folks to get your sarcastic comments IMO is destined to fail….I think you have figured this out by now. Your choice is to go forward free of the noise of the FB insanity or be prepared to wear brass knuckles every time you log on there.
I’m kind of a dick online for that reason. Enjoying it though.
people need to just understand that my posts are: 1 always going to be sarcastic,
No, you need to make yourself clear, or not be bothered by their reactions.
You can’t count on people reading between the lines. Often sarcasm and hyperbole don’t work in print the way they do when you are speaking in person.
“Wah, someone is interested in responding to my self-indulgent social media posts! I require more attention drawn to the fact that I’m attracting attention on a meaningless sharing site!”
Not everyone will see things the way you do. I don’t know what you post on Facebook, but instead of passive-aggressively complaining about them to us here on Fluther (something I guess you do have time for), how about you just block them or something like that? It’s clear that you don’t care to hear what they have to say. You only want to hear things you want to hear. It’s a common Facebook trend I’ve noticed.
I generally don’t consider other people to be stupid. People might not agree with me, but that doesn’t make them stupid. And if people are bothering to respond to comments you make, they must feel you are worthy of sharing their thoughts with.
All aboard! Now boarding the Wah train.
I fail to see the reason why you are enraged by someone who just respond to your posts. What’s so wrong with that? Or is the real reason they don’t laugh at your “funny” posts?
Facebook is garbage. It perpetuates the production of further garbage.
Replace “garbage” with “drama” if that helps. Drama is garbage in my book.
“If you scroll down you’re heartless”
Shut the fuck up!!
You know where the unfriend and block buttons are? Some times I want to slap stupid, too.
Wah, Wah. All aboard.
No. No. No.
Everyone has the god given right to be as stupid as they want to be. It is not your place to advise them of that.
Quit trying to impose your standards of intelligence on them. (Maybe it is you are stupid and they are actually correct).
You are out of line here.
Sounds like you need to cull your friends list pretty heavily, then inform all of them that you don’t want any comments on your posts because they need to stand unsullied in order to be fully appreciated. Then reset your privacy mode so only those friends (that you have properly instructed how to respond) can see your posts.
Then you will have the audience you want.
No, because my own face would never be able to stand up all that slapping.
Why I dropped FB in 2011, too much drama.
I agree with others here, it is unfair and controlling of you to expect others to respond/ not respond as you deem fit.
I’m jokester at heart too and have a great sense of humor but I also respect that not everyone else is going to get it. Honestly, it sounds like to me, that you are grandstanding and maybe like getting a reaction out of people but if it is not the reaction you want, or somebody finds fault with or takes offense at your postings you have a problem with it.
Everyone is free to express themselves and their own opinions as they so choose on a public forum, you don’t hold the monopoly on freedom of expression. If you don’t like getting comments either block these people or ignore them, simple, and nothing to get all worked up about.
I posted a sarcastic comment on Thanksgiving day saying: Black Friday starts at 5 pm on Thursday. Did they get the days mixed up?
I get her long answer about how she does not shop Black Friday. She learned her lesson I won’t do it again. I may go out over the weekend, blah blah blah.
Others were making jokes. She was just being her.
I unfriend people who lack a sense of humour or repeatedly ask me dumb questions they could Google. Also, blatant racist remarks about the president or anyone gets you banned. My Facebook page is there to entertain me.
- Soultion -
- Type up a set of guidelines for approved banal dialog.
- Make sure each of your friends receives a copy of these guidelines.
- Make sure each of your friends has read and understands these guidelines.
- Block anyone who deviates from these guidelines or fails to keep the conversation sufficiently banal.
OR just unfriend everyone on your friend’s list.
The key is ‘she was just being her’. Perhaps you annoy her as much as she appears to annoy you. We’re all different. That’s what makes the world interesting. It doesn’t make her stupid. If you can’t accept her for who and how she is, as has been suggested, unfriend her. She might thank you for it!
You say: Lastly I am always going to be me.
You say: She was just being her.
I guess this means you want to slap her for doing precisely what you feel entitled to do.
This is a fine reminder that some people’s friendship costs more than it’s worth.
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