Social Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Does Donald Trump have advisers that he is simply ignoring?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33687points) December 8th, 2015

Or are his asinine comments actually emanating from his paid staff?

Not sure which is worse.

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15 Answers

janbb's avatar

I think he is listening to his advisers. As you say, pretty terrifying.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

His advisers are all yes-men.

Pachy's avatar

I can’t picture Don-addle-brained Trump taking advice from anybody.

johnpowell's avatar

So much funny/insanity here.

Note to Republicans.. This nutter isn’t helping your cause. When he leads in the polls normal Republicans lose.

Obama isn’t a wizard. You just had shit candidates in 2008 and 2012 and you are doing it again to appeal to the fringe looney.

ucme's avatar

Maybe it’s coming from his hideous kids, they “advise” him on The Apprentice.
They look & sound like fucking show ponies, me no likey.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, I’m sure he has advisers, but if he doesn’t like what they say he fires them. He makes sure he’s surrounded by play-back drones.

Dutchess_III's avatar

…“that internet”?....Is that like, “That internet thing, whatever it is.”?

jca's avatar

What @Dutchess_III said. He fires them if he doesn’t like what they say, so if they’re smart, they’ll tell him what he wants to hear.

flutherother's avatar

His thoughts on Islam seem to come from Frank Gaffney junior. He isn’t an advisor but he has written on shariah and the Islamic threat and believes the logo of the US Missile Defense Agency is a coded signal showing official US submission to Islam among other odd things.

filmfann's avatar

The weapon of the terrorist is fear. He attempts to get what he wants by scaring you. Hence, Donald Trump is a terrorist.

johnpowell's avatar

I can get behind that logic!

Darth_Algar's avatar


Careful, you might pull your arm out of socket reaching like that.

LostInParadise's avatar

I can’t imagine that either Trump or his advisers planned some of the things that he said. I think he just says whatever comes into his mind. Unlike most politicians, Trump seems to really believe what he says, facts be damned. He seems to be on the same wavelength as the non-college educated whites who are the bulk of his supporters. The one who scares me even more than Trump is Cruz, who is much more of a schemer.

Buttonstc's avatar


I agree with you about Cruz. He is influenced by and agrees with those who have more of a Theocratic agenda.

He likely wouldn’t go as far as someone like Gary North, but those who would are supporting Cruz.

I’m a lot more concerned about the possibility of Cruz making it into office (even as V.P.) than I am about Trump.

Trump is just playing it by ear with no clear outline of how to accomplish even half the things he’s spouting off about (witness his comment about consulting with Bill Gates to “shut down that Internet”)

I have a feeling that Cruz knows exactly what he would do in detail one step at a time.

As things move along, if he gets any closer to the actual possibility of being elected, I’ll be doing everything in my power to warn any and all who will listen about his Theocratic Dominionist leanings. He is far more dangerous than a bigmouth clown like Trump.

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