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ragingloli's avatar

What are the psychological reasons for the deep seated need of film makers to inject a 'White Saviour' narrative into their work?

Asked by ragingloli (52369points) December 9th, 2015

Is it a conscious or subconscious guilt for the atrocities whites have historically committed, and still commit, against minorities?
Or is it a form of racism due to the implicit assumption that non whites can not solve their own problems?

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13 Answers

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zenvelo's avatar

Need some answers to questions before we can opine:

Are you speaking of British filmmakers? Or Asian filmmakers? or German filmmakers?

Can you provide an example or three?

janbb's avatar

But surely everyone’s Spartacus!

funkdaddy's avatar

You’re doing it again, that thing where you attribute human nature to malice alone. It’s a horrible way to look at the world. It helps nothing.

And because that perspective does no one any good, when stories and films are made, they’re made to show the good in people. If a culture makes stories and films, they’ll celebrate the good that can come even from a bad situation.

Films from English speaking cultures are made by predominantly white directors and produced by white producers. It’s not a conspiracy, I would guess Bollywood films predominantly feature Hindi directors and producers. I don’t know, I don’t watch a lot of Bollywood.

I do watch a lot of Spike Lee. That guy has a thing for black actors and heroes. It’s incredible. It’s like he wants to show the best of his culture, almost to show that good things can come from bad situations. Crazy.

I also end up watching a lot of female directors, and incredibly, they tell stories from a different perspective, often with female “heroes”, although the heroes are often different.

ragingloli's avatar

Filmmakers in general.
Django Unchained
District 9
Last Samurai
Gran Torino
To kill a Mockingbird

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@ragingloli it’s not an accident. It is probably there to plant the director’s ideology into the white population. It’s an easier pill to swallow this way and it probably works.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It isn’t complicated. It’s simply the inertia involved with the fact that until quite recently the financial success of motion pictures relied EXCLUSIVELY on their initial reception by WHITE audiences.

Rarebear's avatar

I’ll add to rags—white male. Just look at Gravity. Even when Clooney was dead, she attributed her ideas to him.

Seek's avatar

None of the above are particularly good movies. Just saying.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Agreed, shitty movies indeed, exception: django

gondwanalon's avatar

My hypothesis is that it’s all about money. If a black savior will sell more movie tickets then that’s what will be in the film.

Why do white skin saviors sell more movie tickets than other color’d skin saviors is a good question. But white skin works to make lots of money so that’s what they use.

msh's avatar

To Kill A Mockingbird? What?
A story written from the perspective of a young child?
She does not understand many of the situations she is placed into by the events in her life. She ‘talks’ about them in such a way that the reader of differing backgrounds can ‘get it’, even if she does not understand all of the ramifications herself.
You, are merely observer. Her story. A snapshot of time in her own frame of reference.
This is when a friend would give the best advice I can think of:
Read The Fucking Book.
That chip seems awfully heavy. Sweeping in such wide circles. Wow.

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