Why isn't my disc drive reading that there is a disc in it?
When I put a blank disc in, it should come up and ask how I want it formatted, but it doesn’t. When I try to save something to the disc, it says there is no disc in the drive, and pops the try out with instructions to put a disc in the drive. I push the try, with the blank CD back in, but it still doesn’t recognize it.
Am I missing something really stupid here? Y’all know I spent weeks scanning and burning pictures to CDs recently….so what am I doing wrong this time?
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10 Answers
What OS and/or burner software are you using?
If it’s Windows, my guess would be a bug in Windows and/or the drivers for your burner, where it can get into a state where it gives you bogus information about the drive state, and hides the actual error condition from you. In that case, I’d try putting in a different blank CDR (it might be it doesn’t like that particular disk, and the bug is it doesn’t tell you that), and if that fails, I’d try restarting Windows and trying again, also starting with a different blank CDR.
Windows 10. I’m wondering if this is the first time I’ve tried to burn a CD since I loaded 10.
I’ll restart.
I’ve tried other CD’s, a couple of different brands, even. No luck. It DOES read CD’s that already have info on them, tho.
I’ve had little but frustration from working with Windows 10. Once again they made many seemingly arbitrary changes, and once again it seems painful to try to get accurate information about how to get many things to work. In this case, looking up how to burn discs on Windows 10 using the Microsoft web site gets me links to an article about how to do it in Windows 8, which says to use Search to find Windows Media Player (even to burn a data disc), and also pages about how Windows Media Player doesn’t exist in Windows 10. Sorry I don’t have a better answer – If restarting doesn’t work, I’d probably start looking for a 3rd party disc burning software that says it works in Windows 10.
Thanks. Any particular one you would recommend?
Ah! Got one. It’s asking what type of disc I want to burn. Here are my options:
Data CD
Video DVD
Data DVD
Video Blu Ray
Data blue ray.
I just want to burn a picture. Would that be a simple Data CD?
There’s a really good free support site which has been around for quite a while and is very highly regarded. You might find it helpful.
Yes, to put still pictures on a CDR, use Data CD.
I’ve had a lot of bad discs, usually scratched ones someone gave me with no case.
I am sooooo glad we now have USB thumb drives!
@jerv no, these are brand new discs.
I used a burn program so it’s all good now. I guess the upgrade kind of changed the way I have to do things.
Thanks all.
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