Quick! Tell me who is going to be able to own most of the North Pole? Hint: It's Not Santa!
Asked by
msh (
December 10th, 2015
from iPhone
Well, Ok, give him some white hair and beard, then squint reeeeally hard….Who do you have?
That tricky Vladimir Putin, that’s who!
Since 2007-ish, Putin has been on a quest for it all. The mineral rights. The oil rights. And all that natural gas.
He may be able to do so, and do it legally to boot!
With a little bit of help from the United Nations. International Laws, fine-tuned in 1982.
Oh stop!
The US, Canada, Norway, Denmark, et.al. border the North Pole!
(He cannot do that! Can he?)
If Russia can prove an eensie, teeny, tiny little bit in his favor concerning a scientific challenge concerning the continental shelf, we may have a winner!
Next tricky question: Are those $$$$points listed above the biggest reason the Russian Bear wants the North Pole?
(say no)
He wants to re-establish Russian military bases in such key and integral parts of the North Pole, that it all but guarantees Russia’s dominance in any kind of warfare. Against anyone.
The future will be determined in the International Courts of the United Nations, in 2016.
Did anyone catch this latest maneuver in the last couple of weeks?
This was the most concise article to be found…
So while the rhetoric from the future political leader contenders spins, next to the Syrian War and on to banning religions from entering the US, has anyone paid attention elsewhere?
What’s your take?
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7 Answers
I didn’t know about this, but if there is oil, and he gets the rights to drill, it could be a very good move for Russia. I would guess the oil must be very deep down at the Pole? It’s just a guess, I know nothing really about it. Russia made the mistake of selling us Alaska, that has oil.
Given global climate change, he soon won’t have to worry about digging in ice!
Norway will have a good deal of it. They are already arguing with the Russians. There is already a ‘no drill’ policy past a certain latitude because of fear of ecological damage.
@JLeslie – He has already drilled the heck out of the land of northern Russia. He doesn’t have to answer to anyone concerned about the effects. Environmentalist here went after the Canadian pipeline for the damage it would cause and the effected area was much smaller.
If he, well Russia, drills for oil just in his area the amount has varied but would 4–5 billion tons. That would give him the position to sell the oil to Europe, China, Japan, etc. and corner the market. Russia is saying that the land will be exposed soon due to global warming.
He is most interested in re-opening his military bases there. Everyone had to leave most of their military works by treaty in the last century. He wants to change that as his power is steadily growing more and more.
@msh Why are you telling me? Again, sounds like if he gets it done he will gain power and wealth. I’m not happy about it, but I see why he is pursuing it.
@JLeslie – no no, I think Im just trying to figure out by talking about it. When I stopped and looked a map of the North Pole- he wants an incredible Huge chunk. It’s really scary.
How is the UN going to get out of a law that they set?
It’s like, he creeps more into Western Europe every day- into those nations to take over, and no one stops him, because his bombing, like ours, in Syria and all, are needed ‘so badly’.
But how long do people not ‘see’ all of his plans?
It will be done- and then what?
No, I’m sorry, I was just thinking- not going after. I guess I need answers that noone has.
No insult meant. :)
@msh I didn’t feel you were going after me, I just wasn’t sure why you directed it me. No problem really. :).
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