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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Do you listen to the same music over and over?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25073points) December 12th, 2015

What songs do you listen to over and over? I listen to Dark Horse, let’s start a riot, my kriptonite, I am Machine.

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10 Answers

Pachy's avatar

My iPod is loaded with songs I’ve loved since I was teen. I never tire of listening to most of them. But I’m continually adding new music of all kinds.

trailsillustrated's avatar

^ what @Pachy said. There so much great stuff coming out every day. Currently I am loving duke dumont, major laser, gold finger, jared James…...

jaytkay's avatar

I do play the same stuff a lot, but I do try be less repetitive. Lucinda Williams, Fiona Apple and Tuneyards lately. Also a lot of jazz – Miles Davis, Anita O’Day and Nina Simone.

I have a large iTunes library, so to stay out of a rut I pick one song and choose Start Genius. That creates a playlist that always includes songs I’ve been neglecting.

Also I listen to a low-power FM station in the car. They rarely play anything familiar to me.

AndI listen to the KCRW Eclectic 24 a lot Internet stream for more unfamiliar music.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Been listening to this over and over. I’ll listen to a new good album quite a few times.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Too many to list. My taste changes all the time. It can even shift to old songs too. Too bad my player can’t contain all of them so I need to refine my playlist from time to time. And in case the deleted songs become popular again, the computer backup comes in handy.

Rarebear's avatar

I’ve listened to Caravan, “In the Land of Grey and Pink” probably more than any other album.

flutherother's avatar

My favourite music I have never grown tired of. Despite the passing of forty five cruel years it has never lost its appeal.

Cruiser's avatar

I like a wide variety of music. But in the car I will listen to my friends band and the song Crazy as pretty much everything in my life is exactly that and blasting this song while out and about kinda cancels out the madness. And later when in the hot tub I will listen to Bach on my MP player which helps to restore calm to my world/

deni's avatar

I listen to Prince all the time.

jerv's avatar

Quite often. In fact, I’ve added very little to my collection in the last 7–8 years.

In recent years, Abney Park has been a large part of the mix. Of course, they have put out a lot of albums since they started in ‘97 (about 18–20) over a wide range of styles (Goth, EDM, Swing, acoustic, folk, pirate shanties, Christmas…) so it’s still highly varied.

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