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Pandora's avatar

Does anyone know how to improve Brie?

Asked by Pandora (32671points) December 13th, 2015

I’ve always been curious to try different cheeses, so I decided to buy Brie and try it. I find it has a bit of a bitter after taste that sticks around. I hate to waste food and I’m hoping for recipes that may make the cheese taste better. Like I didn’t care for ricotta until I ate it in lasanga, or I don’t like mascarpone cheese until I had it in tiramisu, or provolone until I had it in a roast beef sub.

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17 Answers

LuckyGuy's avatar

Depending upon its consistency you can cut off a few bite-sized chunks and fry them in olive oil over medium eat. They make a delicious addition to any meal.

Stinley's avatar

Cut off the white crust. I think that is what is bitter. I quite like it but I know what you mean

cazzie's avatar

Breaded and deep fried with a cranberry dipping sauce.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Sound advice! The question surprised me. It’s like asking “how do you improve butter?” I think before cooking it up, you should slice up an apple, a pear and a batard. Grab a few grapes as well. Try plopping the Brie on chunks (slices) of the bread. Spread some with the crust and some without. It helps to have a friend complicit in the adventure as well as white wine or champagne to guzzle. Brie may be an acquired taste, but believe me, you will acquire it in a hurry, as well as the pounds that travel with it.

Cruiser's avatar

Sprinkle it with brown sugar and bake it or microwave it until it melts….super yum! So good you will run out and buy more.

Pachy's avatar

Warm it until it starts to melt, then slater it on toasted, buttered French bread !!! Nothing more delicious. Oh, and don’t stint on the price. The cheaper the brie, the worst its taste.

Seek's avatar

Brie is my favorite cheese. I love it baked with roasted garlic on top.

I do remember the rind being an acquired taste.

janbb's avatar

My Ex used to bake it in pie dough, then we’d serve it with fruit and crackers. Delish!

A milder cheese that is similar to brie is Fromage d’Affinois. Very creamy and lovely.

jca's avatar

Sometimes I see it in places (stores and/or restaurants) with walnuts and cranberries or walnuts and brown sugar.

Right now it’s in Costco with cranberries. Also Trader Joe’s has it with stuff like that.

Coloma's avatar

Cut off all rind then pour a yummy fruit chutney over the top, peach or apricot is divine.
Serve with water crackers or other bland crackers.

Here are some good ideas.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

A slice of Brie wrapped up in Puff Pastry but cover cheese with Apricot jam on one side before wrapping. Bake for 25 minutes in a 400 *F oven remove and let it sit for 30 minutes. Cut and enjoy.

jerv's avatar

While the rind is where much of the bitterness is, it’s also where much of the flavor is. Most Brie tastes enough the same on the inside that how it’s aged (and thus how the rind forms) is what really distinguishes one brie from another. A lot of your cheaper ones only have enough thin, nearly-tasteless rind to be considered Brie, but your better Bries will have a thicker and more flavorful rind. Without the rind, that tiny bit of bitterness and semi-solid texture are about the only things that make Brie taste much different from sour cream. When I was younger, I myself didn’t like the rind, but at the time, I couldn’t stand cheddar either for pretty much the same reason.

If you aren’t a fan of Brie because of a bitter aftertaste, I think Camembert would be worse for you as it’s basically a stronger Brie, and I have by doubts about anything of the Bleus like Gorgonzola, Cambozola (basically Camembert and Gorg combined), or Roquefort. Those each also have some “tang”; far moreso than Brie.

As for what to do to make what you have taste better, I’m the type of person who prefers to eat my cheese without a cracker and have been known to eat a half-pound block like a candy bar (no knife, just biting off hunks) so I’ll defer to those that like using cheese as an ingredient rather than as a standalone snack. I just figured I’d give you a heads up on similar soft cheeses.

Seek's avatar

@jerv knows what’s up, eating cheese like I do.

Silence04's avatar

Brie will pair well with sweeter flavors.

Try Brie with crackers, honey, and almonds.

Or a grilled cheese sandwich with Brie, green apple, and figs. Maybe even add chicken/turkey.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Thanks a lot!!! This put the thought of Brie in my head.
I cut a ¼ wedge out of an 8 oz 220 g package and cut that into 8 pieces. I then fried the small pieces in a frying pan lightly oiled with olive oil until golden brown.
They were great!

Pandora's avatar

Well guys, I actually got to taste brie without the rind. It seems when my husband cut it up I must’ve had some rind in my piece because I did not get that sour after taste. It is pretty good on its own. Which I can understand. Even when I was trying to remove the rind, I found some long ridges of rind that kind of burrowed into the cheese a little. Not flat like the top part would suggest. It breaks off and remains in the cheese and you have to dig it out. I still haven’t had a chance to out the suggestions above but I look forward to trying them out.
Thanks, and have a Happy Holiday, Christmas or Kwanzaa or December. Just eat well and be Merry.

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