Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

When in public, do you find women, or men more polite and courteous?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23514points) December 18th, 2015

And I am talking about dealing with total strangers.

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10 Answers

Seek's avatar

Men, generally speaking, are more likely to be over-the-top polite. Women are more likely to ignore me completely, while men are more likely to be obnoxious or offensive.

Overall it’s kind of a wash.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Right after a national crisis. For a moment there after September 11, 2001, we were all actually behaving like human beings.

ucme's avatar

Women, I get a lot of smiles, only polite to smile back.

LornaLove's avatar

I live in the UK and I find both men and women the same, some are polite, some are not so polite, regardless of their sex.
I do miss men giving up seats in trains for the elderly, frail, pregnant or even for women. It is still very much a tradition in South Africa that I enjoyed! I know, for example, I would give up my seat for the aforementioned, I am generalizing of course, but basically here, men and women stamp all over you regardless to get the seat in the train and often times they are youths.Charm is not a British strong point, manners? debatable.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I really hadn’t noticed if there is or isn’t a difference. And worse, I have no idea which of the 2 sexes I interact with more or less frequently.

jca's avatar

Men, I tend to see looks from. Women are more likely to chat. Men are more likely to do things like hold the door open.

Cruiser's avatar

It is a mixed bag as much of it goes back to the earlier question asked today. By far I have more men hold a door open for me than women which is truthfully almost never. I do all the grocery shopping and always find the women there to be very courteous and often a lady with a weeks worth of groceries will let me go ahead of her if I am in line with only a handful of things.

Men in general are pretty absorbed and to themselves out in public and women I think are more adept at being aware of their surroundings and more receptive to courtesies that may be necessary for the moment that may require it so I encounter more random exchanges with women overall. So that compared to the door holding stuff it pretty much is a tie in my world and IMHO nowhere near enough of it happens. The fun part though is to gauge peoples reactions to random courtesies to see if they are genuine, forced or more surprised by the moment.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

It totally depends on the context of the situation. It’s a total wash.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

Honestly, I find it about equal. Most people are jerks, but those who are polite and courteous don’t tend to lean toward one sex more than the other. I have noticed, however, that more women allow people to go in front of them in a line at the grocery store, where men tend to hold doors open more often. Which could have something to do with the fact that women still, for the most part, do most of the household shopping for their families, so men don’t tend to have carts full of groceries as often.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

From my own experience I would say men are a touch more polite in public but other than that they are very close,I have had women just a few feet in front of me entering a store let the door close on my face.

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