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What is your Favorite Aftershave?
Ok. After 40+ years of wearing Old Spice, I decided to try and find an aftershave that my wife actually likes. She contends that I smell like an ‘old man’ right now. (and at 55, I am beginning to resemble that comment) I have tried some low hanging fruits while at the barber shop. Clubman, Bay Rum, Another flavor of Clubman. All get the same review. Old Man. Men in my family and apparently my wife’s family have been Old Spice guys for generations so I have no clue where to go next. I have picked up a couple of bottles whilst she was on Christmas Safari and she tells me the ones I picked up were either ‘cologne and don’t count as aftershave’ or ‘that’s one that the boys in college wear, you are too old for that’. I am now an adolescent “Tweener” again. I want to find something she wants, but am getting little to no guidance other than ‘not the one’. Should I stick with my Old Spice?
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