Social Question

jca's avatar

Can you recommend a good, current book that will be for a Christmas gift, on the topic of the economy, the world or politics?

Asked by jca (36062points) December 19th, 2015

My stepfather is into the economy, politics, stuff like that.

He’s always reading, he’s into NPR and political news shows.

He is also into Garrison Keillor (author of Lake Wobegon Days and other books) and his radio show which gives me another idea.

I have Amazon Prime. Just looking for some ideas. If I order it asap I can have it in two days (which is why I love Prime).

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6 Answers

jca's avatar

I should add that the Garrison Keillor radio show is called A Prairie Home Companion.

Seek's avatar

I started reading the introduction to this and now I might buy it for myself.

jaytkay's avatar

I fit the description of your stepfather.

Here are two books I really, really enjoyed this year.

Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania

The Pyramid: And Four Other Kurt Wallander Mysteries

elbanditoroso's avatar

I agree with @jaytkay about Dead Wake. I wasn’t sure I would like it, but it turned out to be excellent.

Jeruba's avatar

I liked Dead Wake too, but I was content with a library copy. I didn’t consider it a keeper.

A few years ago I read Fareed Zakaria’s 2011 The Post-American World. I thought it was excellent. He has a newer title out now, In Defense of a Liberal Education, but I haven’t caught up with it yet. Either might be a fine choice.

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