Social Question

My husband does not defend me when his parents disrespect me behind my back , what should I do ?
He says I should just ignore them because they have always been like that and he ignores it. However I think it has reached a point where I just prefer to avoid them completely because they are unbearable.
However the problem is he tells me I should not avoid them.
Also what makes it worse, is that if i end up shouting at them as a means of defending myself he tells me I should apologize to them, however he is never quick to tell them to stop disrespecting me. I find this really rude and one sided.
I feel like he is more concerned about his parents emotions than mine.
Also when I confront his parents about the things they say about me, they say nothing but instead continue to insult me and then go crying to him saying that I have said mean things to them when all I am trying to do is defend myself.
What should I do ?
I think it is ridiculous and fake for him to expect me to pretend like everything is okay just for the sake of keeping the peace.
I am not a fake person. I just could not do this .
How can I hang out with people knowing that they hate me and are always saying evil things about me behind my back?
I honestly feel like I am surrounded by evil.
I feel like my husband is a very weak person and it makes me sick.
I would never allow my parents to disrespect my husband or even me at this point in my life. I am very open and honest with them.
I just feel like my husband is a grown man but for some reason he is afraid of his parents and therefore they believe that their behavior is okay. He doesn’t even defend himself when they insult him.
I know that I am not crazy because every person that I have spoken to about this says that his parents are weird, including some of his family members.
What should I do ?
My strategy right now is to just ignore them completely.