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Strauss's avatar

Dr. Who, Star Trek or Star Wars?

Asked by Strauss (23914points) December 20th, 2015

OK, there’s an ongoing debate about Wars vs Trek, and I guess it has to do with the new “Wars” movie, The Force Awakens.

What if we add the other fan-tasy, that of “Dr. Who”? Where would you put yourself on the threeway scale; “Who”, “Trek” or “Wars”?

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15 Answers

msh's avatar

Trek- TV shows & Wrath of Kahn.
Wars- 4,5,6,- haven’t seen 7 yet.
Who- never was able to watch early, heard it’s good.
If on island and only one choice? ...Wars.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Make it an orgy and add Alien Nation, and V, won’t even consider Battlestar Glaxtica.

LostInParadise's avatar

My problem with Star Wars, other than its ownership by the Disney Empire, is that it takes itself too seriously. I loved the original Star Wars, as a light entertainment, a nice modern day fairy tale with a happy ending. Adding on to it it would be like embellishing Cinderella.

The Dr. Who and Star Trek television shows were more episodic rather than parts of some grand scheme. I find this approach much more enjoyable.

Stinley's avatar

Dr Who then Star Trek. Never seen Star Wars

filmfann's avatar

Battlestar Galactica.
I do enjoy Trek, Wars, and Who.

ucme's avatar

The Terminator & Alien films win hands down, as for TV series…Thunderbirds are Go!!

Trek is shite, takes itself way too seriously
Wars is knockabout harmless fun
Dr. Who was brilliant at its peak (Tom Baker/Jon Pertwee)

stanleybmanly's avatar

” who” requires much more acclamation than the other 2. The thing which distinguishes it is tongue in cheek nerdish entertainment. Trek is in fact elitist for the simple fact that it is pointless to those unwilling or unable to summon up intellectual commitment. Star Wars walks away with the money because even those despising its vapid simplistic premise are compelled to view every episode. The other 2 franchises will always trail in popularity simply because those not driven by intellectual considerations quickly recognize such “mind traps” and avoid them like the plague.

Zaku's avatar

They’re different. It’s easier to compare within the same series, but even then there are people who will actually defend Jar Jar Binks, and I sometimes stoop to pointing out my preference within one of them, but arguing between them seems a bit silly unless you’re trying to compare the difference between specific aspects.

So on your threeway scale; “Who”, “Trek” or “Wars”, I put myself in spots on all three:
Star Wars: IV, V, VI
Star Trek: TOS, Wrath of Khan
Dr. Who: Pertwee/Baker/Tennant

stanleybmanly's avatar

All of which goes to show our house a shelter for “angels on the head of a pin” nerds. We’ll (or some of us) argue over anything. God help us if ever the potential here is compelled to defend either the utility or necessity for hiding at fluther.)

ucme's avatar

“Care for a Jelly Baby m’dear?”

stanleybmanly's avatar

Whatever will work

jerv's avatar

As much as I love browncoats, I gotta give this one to the Doctor.

SimpatichnayaZhopa's avatar

I much prefer “Star Trek” to “Star Wars” that seems so juvenile. I have never seen “Dr. Who:, so I cannot judge it.

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