Social Question

rojo's avatar

When having to squeeze past other people to get to your seat should you face them so your crotch is in their face or away from them so they get a face full of your butt?

Asked by rojo (24182points) December 21st, 2015

As asked.

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30 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Good question. This happens regularly in theaters, airplanes, and so on.

I’ve always presented my butt in these situations. I figured that 100% of all people have butts, while only 50% of people have the same crotch I do, and therefore there is likely to me more common understanding among all genders if they see a butt pass their way.

Further, if the butt happens to brush against them, that’s less overtly sexual and perhaps threatening than if my male package happened to.

All of that said, however, it’s a non-issue – most people just sort of accept that on a plane or in a theater, things are not going to be comfortable at all times.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Once the person on the move is beyond a weight of 65–80 pounds, there is no tasteful solution to this problem. In fact there is no reasonable solution at all for participants because the ACTUAL fault is with “sardines in tins” seating venues. They should be illegal.

marinelife's avatar

I always do the butt side because it seems less intimate than coming face to face with someone while rubbing your parts against theirs. I hate it!

elbanditoroso's avatar

There’s always the cropdusting problem.

Ela's avatar

I always face the seated person. That way ifI i lose my balance, I can generally catch myself rather than plopping down in their lap.

Pachy's avatar

I agree with @marinelife. Eyes front, butt back. And by the way, doncha hate it when people come in late to a movie or a play?! Not only a disturbance to you but to the people all around you.

jca's avatar

I do butt to face.

stanleybmanly's avatar

That cropdusting article just cracked me up. Thank you @elbanditoroso

Dutchess_III's avatar

I turn slightly sideways so it’s more like my hip is showing rather that a full on moon to the face. It takes up a bit more room, but it’s a very quick and temporary inconvenience.

jca's avatar

If it’s a really tight squeeze, I’ll stand back and pause a minute and hopefully they get up so that’ we’re either all standing or they’ll step out and make some more room.

filmfann's avatar

Ah! A question of etiquette straight from Fight Club

I’m going with Tyler here. When in an aisle with people seated, they get the ass. Other situations require a judgement call.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@jca I always try to stand up if I see someone coming, and more often than not receive. a relieved “thank you” for the trouble.

Seek's avatar

Uh, yeah, the sitting people are technically supposed to stand and allow you to pass. If they don’t, it’s dealer’s choice, really.

rojo's avatar

@filmfann from the Fight Club video it looks like the way you face depends on the sex of the seated (or bent over) persons.

filmfann's avatar

@rojo Ya, that too.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t see how you guys came up with “it looks like the way you face depends on the sex of the seated (or bent over) persons.” from the Fight Club video.

kritiper's avatar

Butt. Would seem so uncouth to stick your crotch in their face. And look that way, too.

rojo's avatar

@Dutchess_III The one seated is a guy, from a guy he gets the ass while the stewardess, being female, gets the crotch.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I didn’t see the stewardess…I’ll go look again.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Um, well, since it was staged, I can’t give it any credence. However, I definitely wouldn’t put it past many men to not stop, and pause for a second behind a woman’s ass, to fantasize about having sex right then and there. God knows it’s happened to me enough times.

Here2_4's avatar

I face men. That way they are unable to cop a feel without me seeing it coming.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Right, like you can stop it in time. It’s usually an instant hit and run by chickenshit assholes.

Here2_4's avatar

I have thus far managed to stop anything I see coming, and I don’t concern myself with qualms about inflicting pain. Anyway, just the eyes pointed in their direction is a hindrance.

Ela's avatar

Seriously? I have never been felt up in a shuffle.

Not even a little bit or kinda maybe… so no fair

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh God @Ela…I can’t count the number of times I’ve been grabbed. Once, when I was about 17, I had gotten into a club with a fake ID. I made the mistake of accepting a slow dance from a guy I didn’t know. He was quite drunk. He was literally trying to shove his hands down my pants as we danced. I shoved him away and went back to my table. That made him mad.
After that I never accepted a slow dance from anyone, unless we were actually dating.

Another time, a few years later, I was slow dancing with my boyfriend, and another couple passed us. The guy half of the other couple reached out and grabbed my butt. I was fast. I smoothly reached behind me and grabbed his thumb and twisted it hard! Neither his partner nor mine had any idea what had just transpired. I managed to sneak a peak at the asshole’s face….which was shocked and disbelieving. And he couldn’t do a damn thing about it without ratting himself out.

Another time I was in a crowded bar and a guy I knew pinched me. I struck. I got the same reaction…shocked disbelief. Did they think I’d like it or something?

ucme's avatar

I usually riverdance past, so both, as I pitch & turn like a pitchy turny thing.

Here2_4's avatar

I want to see that! ^ ^ ^

Ela's avatar

@Dutchess_III LoL things like that usually happen to my best friend. She once spent an entire slow dance pulling some shorty dudes face out of her clevage. Was too funny : )
I must give off a powerful “do not touch me!” vibe – which works for me. I hate people I don’t know touching me

Dutchess_III's avatar

Everyone I know would hate to be touched without permission, especially in an aggressive manner. I don’t know why some guys think it’s OK.

“I pitch & turn like a pitchy turny thing.” I have to remember that! Not the dance but the phrase. That was funny!

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