Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

If a politician says, "politicians need to stop saying Muslims should not be allowed in the country," didn't they just allow for it to look like they believe the same thing?

Asked by JLeslie (65976points) December 21st, 2015 from iPhone

All you have to do is edit the tape, get rid of the part where they say politicians shouldn’t say it, and send through social media just the part where they say Muslims should not be allowed in.

If the words come through your lips, isn’t it easy to just leave off parts and lose the context altogether?

Hillary is talking about video being used to recruit terrorists. I worry about that too, but I worry about how easy it is to edit a recording also.

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8 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Two points:

1) damn near anything that is recorded can be messed with, if you have a technical person who is half way savvy on how to edit audio (and video). You don’t need to be an expert some sucker with a minimum of skill.

2) I can’t imagine politicians (or their advisors) giving even a moment’s thought to how the politicians’ statements could be edited and remixed. They have enough tzuris trying to keep the politician on message and not putting his/her foot in his/her mouth, much less trying to defend against bad guys with digital editing equipment.

So you point out a real potential issue, but I don’t think that it’s on anyone’s radar.

LostInParadise's avatar

What a wishy-washy quotation. It does not come out and say that Muslims should continue to be admitted. It does not even say that politicians should affirm the right of Muslims to be admitted. It just says that politicians should not say that they should not. Maybe there is a way of putting restrictions on Muslim immigration without talking about it.

rojo's avatar

When I read the initial question my thoughts were more along the lines of someone saying “politicians need to stop saying Muslims should not be allowed in the country,” indicating that they tacitly approve of the action but would rather it not be spoken of out loud and I thought, yeah, it could easily be construed that way. Whether actually meant that way could only be determined by what else was said at the time or by prior actions and statements.

Jaxk's avatar

I grow weary of hearing all the things we can’t say or do because ISIS or some other group may use it as a recruiting tool. There is no evidence that happens. Their success in creating a Caliphate is what they use as a recruiting tool. Their success in killing people in a bloody massacre is what they use as a recruiting tool. Terrorists being killed or jailed is not a recruiting tool. Terrorists being denied entry is not a recruiting tool. If we want to stop the recruiting, we need to stop their successes. Success breeds followers, failure doesn’t.

rojo's avatar

@Jaxk Don’t you mean ISIL?

Dutchess_III's avatar

@rojo ISIS, ISIL or Daesh. They’re all the same group.

rojo's avatar

I forgot my sarcasm tilde.

Jaxk's avatar

@rojo – I refuse to give ISIS credit for the Levant. It’s hard enough to credit them with Iraq and Syria.

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