General Question

kelly's avatar

Are there harmful elements to humans or pets in glitter?

Asked by kelly (1926points) December 23rd, 2015

what is glitter? red, green, blue, yellow, etc; are these metallic or plastic. are they toxic? our cats get it on their paws and are grooming. is it harmful to them

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6 Answers

AdventureElephants's avatar

Everything you want to know about glitter is here. It’s probably plastic, but maybe not. Either way don’t inhale it. Even the companies selling glitter capsules and suggesting you can shit glitter poo have labels on the package that the glitter isn’t to be consumed. But that’s because we love to sue each other. I bet your cat is fine.

majorrich's avatar

Spilled glitter is like energy. It can be moved from place to place, thinned out, controlled, but never entirely eradicated.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Ingesting or inhaling it is almost certainly not beneficial.

Seek's avatar

We call it “craft herpes” around here.

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