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Mama_Cakes's avatar

When was your last 'stay in bed a good part of the day' day?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11178points) December 28th, 2015 from iPhone

Not because you felt sick, but just run down and you felt that you needed more sleep (mixed in with a bit of reading whilst under the covers).

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28 Answers

Coloma's avatar

Saturday after Xmas. I was wiped out, I am not a napper but I lounged in bed with my electric blankey and just read, fluthered and watched videos almost all day. I am trying to get into bed early these days too and linger for a couple hours before going to sleep. The joys of winter. I hate summer any more, you don;t wind down til dark at 9 o’ clock and by the time you get to bed it is 11. I like winter where you can get in your comfy PJ’s at 6 and linger. haha

JLeslie's avatar

Last Saturday.

ibstubro's avatar

I had great hopes for today, as it’s cold, gray, and rainy outside, but it doesn’t seem as if that’s going to be. [sigh]

One day last week I went the day without ‘dressing’, alternating between the internet, reading and cooking. It was relaxing but not a total “me” day.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

^^^ I’m so envious! I love those lazy, relaxed days spent in bedroom slippers. Too many such days would be a bad thing – possibly a symptom of depression – but the occasional treat is just wonderful.

A doggie makes those days impossible. Every morning, I have to get up early, put on clothes and shoes (the horror!), and take her for a walk. But, the dog brings so many other joys to my life, the tradeoff’s ok.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

It happens a lot more than I want it to. Probably due to long bouts of depression. I get up not feeling refreshed but even worse than before.

zenvelo's avatar

Not ever since I stopped having horrendous hangovers.

I’ve had days when I have hung out in bed until 11 or twelve, but rarely except when sleep deprived for some reason. But really, I like to get outside and get some fresh air if possible.

tinyfaery's avatar


longgone's avatar

I can’t remember. Looks like I found a project!

Jeruba's avatar

1993. Post-surgery.

I did have some good, long sleep-ins during the first few months after I retired six years ago. Not most of the day, though.

I don’t really like to lie about in bed. But I do come out to the living room with a blanket, a book, and a heating pad and have myself a good laze on the love seat. After a very stressful run-up to Christmas, I took the day after Christmas off, and that’s how I spent most of it, beside the Christmas tree with a book.

It was a dismal, gray, rainy day, and I kept all the holiday lights on all day, just for coziness and cheer.

AdventureElephants's avatar

I work graveyard shifts so I spend the day in bed at least 4 times a week.

ragingloli's avatar

Every weekend and holiday. Like today, and tomorrow and the whole of this week, actually.

gondwanalon's avatar

I don’t recall ever sleeping in as you describe. As soon as I open my eyes in the morning I’m always up and moving. I’ll sleep all I want when I’m dead.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

I doesn’t happen for me often. This past Sunday, though, I needed it. It was lovely.

jca's avatar

Mid -November. I don’t sleep, in fact I wake up pretty early even on weekends, out of habit. Once in a while my daughter will be at my parents’ house and I’ll have a free Saturday where I have no errands (typical would be hairdresser) and I can laze around the house. The whole holiday season was crazy with holiday parties, birthday parties and visiting people. I’m really overdue for a day to do nothing. Hopefully this coming weekend. Usually I feel guilty like there’s stuff that needs to be done but I’m not doing it.

janbb's avatar

I’ve had lazy at home days but can’t remember a stay in bed day. If I’m feeling really unpressured or tired I might sleep in til 9 or 9:30 but rarely even that.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I can’t ‘sleep in’ these days. I might stay in bed a little later and read or play on my laptop. I find it hard to ‘do nothing’. However, my husband has insisted I pretty much do that for the last few days. So I’ve watched films, watched Pride and Prejudice (the one with Colin Firth), read my book and have actually napped a couple of times! I have been to the cinema, so I have left the house. Today, I’m going to go out with my camera. I feel the need to get moving and do things.

dxs's avatar

Today, actually. I was supposed to have the day completely off, so I had some stuff planned. But, I got called into work. So I went there until noon. When I got home I was supposed to show someone my apartment but they cancelled, so I went to bed at around 4pm and woke up at 8:41pm.

cookieman's avatar

I can’t honestly remember. At least over ten years ago.

Coloma's avatar

9:58 pm on the west coast, I am perfectly roasted under my electric blankey and fading fast, fading, fading,fading, fad,,,

janbb's avatar

I will add that while I don’t stay in bed, I do often get in bed early, especially in the winter. I love to go upstairs around 8:30 or ( and get into bed and read or watch something. Know it’s not good for sleep habits but it is so cozy.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Would have loved to this morning.

ragingloli's avatar

Ah. Got up today at 14:00

Aster's avatar

All day long, in bed, the day after Christmas. I’m obviously too old for all that effort.

ragingloli's avatar

15:00 today. Life is good in the Holy Greater German Empire.

manaaki's avatar

Two days ago, we had a great storm, and i lay in bed listening to the thunder and watching the rain pour down. I love storms, and lightning too.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

This morning.

I’ve been having some personal problems that are causing the first insomnia spell of my entire life. It’s been going on for months; sometimes, I sleep only an hour or two. I think I’d had maybe 4 hours of sleep over the previous 3 nights.

Last night, I took a Valium (I avoid drugs, so I did this out of desperation) and knocked-out for a full 9 hours. Then, I fell asleep for another couple of hours. It was pure heaven, and I feel so much better.

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