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ragingloli's avatar

With the Terran Solar Orbit nearly complete, what are your favourite PC-Games of the Earth Year 2015 C.E.?

Asked by ragingloli (52313points) December 30th, 2015

Mine, in no particular order:
Witcher 3
Cities: Skylines
First Assault (a Ghost in the Shell online multiplayer fps)
Mark of the Ninja actually 3 years old

(I would have put MGS5 on here, too, but unfortunately, it is an unfinished game. #FucKonami)

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14 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I am proud to say I play no computer games. I haven’t played one since Pac-Man.

And you still look like you have spaghetti on your head.

I’m answering this only to tell you I enjoyed your word play in the title question.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Not much changed from last year:
The Last Of Us
Super Meat Boy
Space Engineers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Sorry not much into the computer games, I do play computer chess, solitaire , pac man, and angry birds, that is totally it.

Seek's avatar

The only functioning computer I have is my laptop, which can only barely run the Windows 10 port of Minecraft PE without bursting into flames.

I like puzzles, though, and sometimes waste time with some casual hidden object mystery games.

Minecraft has been a great learning tool for my young one. Perimeter is how many fence pieces you need to pen in your MooShrooms. Area is how many quartz slabs you need to cover your floor. Volume is how many blocks of lava are filling that obsidian hole…

Zaku's avatar

Ones that were released this year? I don’t keep that close a track on them, but I think:
Conquest of Elysium 4
Ancient Domains of Mystery (released for Steam this year with a new version)
Ultimate Space Commando
Probably Underrail, though I haven’t had time to really play it yet.

An old favorite I’m playing that wasn’t released this year is Dominions 4.

Lightlyseared's avatar

I spent an inordinate amount of time playing Hearthstone. Still haven’t made legend though.

flutherother's avatar

The Last of Us
Heavy Rain.too old

LuckyGuy's avatar

The only game I play is Sudoku. It relaxes me before bed.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I watch let’s play Balders Gate 2. I never finished it. The only recently played civilization 5 and I hated it. I time traveled and gave the un opened copy to Santa’s anonymous. I hope someone had more joy than I did. I still like civilization 2 , but I don’t have a cd drive to play it.

Seek's avatar

If you gave the copy to Santas anonymous before you played it, how do you know you didn’t like it?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Seek I time traveled and didn’t open the copy the second time.

Seek's avatar

But then you give it away before you played it, unless you’re saying that you have the ability to create an alternate universe in which you didn’t play the game solely in order to donate it in that alternate universe.

Aren’t paradoxes fun?

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