Netflix, or Shomi which is better in your opinion?
Asked by
December 31st, 2015
Which one is more worth the money?
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4 Answers
I’ve never heard of shomi. Is it a Canadian thing?
I have no idea it looks sorta
Like netflix, just wondering if anyone has had it?
Never heard of Shomi. Can’t compare it as I have nothing to compare Netflix to. I have Amazon Prime but have never – not yet – used their streaming.
I was a Netflix early adopter (March 2002) and continue to use their DVDs on an ongoing basis. I’d rather do that than streaming. I loved Netflix from day 1 because they were a company that really and truly delivered what they promised. For that reason I’m still a loyal customer. (But they almost killed it with their KwikCrap or whatever it was. I don’t want something spelled like that to occupy any part of my life.)
My son likes Amazon Prime for the perks and the streaming. I generally find that the free two-day shipping pays for membership by midyear at the latest.
I don’t know Shomi at all. Never heard of it.
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