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Strauss's avatar

Shall we remember "Unforgettable" Natalie Cole?

Asked by Strauss (23886points) January 2nd, 2016

She wanted to achieve her own success, independent of the shadow of her father, Nat ‘King’ Cole, but I think her greatest success was when she was able to honor him with a digital “collaboration”.

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6 Answers

Seek's avatar

Not to be ironic on purpose, but…


ZEPHYRA's avatar

May her voice grace the heavens.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

She will be unforgettable to me.

ibstubro's avatar

I had no idea that she had health issues for so long.
What a shame for her family and fans to lose such a talent at an age when many people truly begin to enjoy their lives.
RIP Natalie.

(Cole was the first female artist to have two platinum albums in one year, @Seek.)

Coloma's avatar

I just read about her death yesterday, she was only 65.
This song reminds me of my teen years.

ibstubro's avatar

Natalie Cole’s death due to rare lung disease, heart failure.

The kidney transplant allowed us to enjoy her talent another 5 years.

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