Have you ever been mad enough at someone, that if a gun was handy you would have used it?
Asked by
January 2nd, 2016
And I am not talking about defending yourself.
I am talking about plain mad, for whatever reason, that if a gun was handy you would have shot the person you were mad at?
Myself I have been plenty mad at different times in my life, but never to the point of wanting to commit murder.
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38 Answers
^ that was about five miles from my house.
Me, personally? No.
But it certainly happens often enough. I know a few people who have killed other people with a firearm, not even counting those who were legitimately at war as enlisted military.
Only one of them is serving jailtime.
The fact that most of us vastly underestimate what regular humans are capable of is exactly why guns are allowed to do so much damage.
I would like to think that I would not.
But then, however, so did everyone who did end up shooting someone in a fit of rage.
Everyone is “law abiding” until he is not.
If I ever got that frustrated, I’d probably turn the gun on myself.
I don’t think so but like anything, it’s hard to guess at what “might” happen if you are not actually in the circumstances.
The maddest I’ve ever gotten caused me to scream loudly enough to injure my throat. If someone wants to shoot ME, they can do it without worrying about my firing back, as I have never had, not will ever have, a gun in my possession.
If only I’d had a gun there’d be a windmill of corpses in my yard.~
Oh, wait. Does myself count?
I will admit that my bird feeders, cars, and tractors are no longer bothered by squirrels.
No, and I don’t keep weapons of any kind, but..I can honestly say, that many years ago when I was married, there were a few times where I could have killed him on the spot. haha
I truly don’t believe I would ever have done something over the top, but, IF there had been a gun in the house I might have been tempted. This sounds worse than it is really, but….I can see how it happens, especially when a partner finds out about infidelities. The heat of the moment crimes of passion.
Yep. I would have been a juvenile. And, honestly, plenty of other times, too. I’ve mellowed. But when I was in my 20’s had impulse control issues. Not to mention all the shitty drivers. Sometimes it’s just THAT bad.
For most of my life guns have been “around and available”, but I have never been the least bit tempted to fire one in anger. I do fantasize from time to time, however.
No. I never feel the urge to actually cause physical harm to someone by my hand. Although, I have let out a push or hit on the arm in anger if you count that.
I have had moments of wishing someone would be hit by a bus.
I usually have stabbing or bludgeoning thoughts. How much stress relief can one get from pulling a trigger?
Sometimes I’m kind of glad guns are illegal here, kind of help restrain my demon ~
No. The only gun I know how to use anyway is a rifle. But it’s been a while since I was in boy scouts, so I kind of forget.
Used to pistol whip them maybe, but not kill.
Nope, and I have never been angry enough to hit anyone either.
But plenty of people get angry enough to strike another, and if those people are near a weapon, they might be angry enough to use it.
I’m pretty fiery, but I’ve never been so mad that I’ve picked up a knife and stabbed someone so I doubt I’d shoot anyone either. However, there are plenty of people who do use weapons to injure others, so having a gun in the house just adds another option for them I’d say.
That is why I would not own one.
I had a borrowed one when I was living in a really bad area. Yes, I was shown the how to’s. I kept it inside the house. I had a window shot out- trying to hit my smaller TV screen across the room. I had things stolen off of a porch- plants, etc. My attached apt friend had a smash and run. Lost items $$$, took less than 4 minutes to do. It was totally different to learn that when you heard gunshots, to hit the floor first, and then say “What was that?” Carrying groceries was a chore= in by unlock car door, get bags. Lock car door, walk up sidewalk to door, unlock house door. Set groceries down in livingroom. Go out door- lock. Back to car, to end of front sidewalk unlock, get bags….lock, repeat. You get the idea.
I was finally able to move to another area. My last night there, with bare bones of furniture left, I was exhausted and I unknowingly had pneumonia. I was so thirsty. I went down to get some juice. I heard someone messing with the lock on door near fridge. Got gun, moved the venetian blind out to the side. A big guy was breaking in. Did not even notice me, he was so intent. I put the barrel up to the glass and tapped twice on the window. I will never forget his face and how fast he took off. He’d have qualified for the Olympics.
If he’d have continued in that night, I would’ve used it. The city police could not have gotten there fast enough to help. It was surreal. I do believe that women are sometimes targeted because some depend on them to not be able to defend themselves. He wasn’t there that night for bare bones furniture, kids.
I gave the gun back.
If I had had one with me as my own, later on in life, I’d have not hesitated then either. Unless you are in some situations, one cannot know how they would react. Flapping one’s arms and yelling “Shoo! G’way!” doesn’t work. You can’t control what happens, postulate as much as you wish. When placed in very terrible circumstances, you can’t really know how you will act if severely threatened, so don’t become comfortable in the morality play some construct for their lives, and what your fate may have in store will come to pass. One never knows. Never.
Do I believe in gun control, yes. Will it work? Not right away with the rickety beginning it will inevitably have. But realistically, the streets don’t sell licenses to carry when selling and buying weapons out there. It will take more. Enforcement all the way to balancing juries for court cases concerning the issue.
No, I don’t kill spiders, nor other pests, animals, some pluperfect assholes I’ve encountered, etc., – yeah- perhaps cockroaches, I think. Or waterbugs, or fleas, or mosquitos. But mosquitos vs someone there to hurt you or yours? Hmmmm. Subtle differences?
But it’s very safe from where some sit. I hope you never get to a point where you are placed into such situations of safety for you or them. The lines would blur for most.
Pistol whip, but no shooty bang bang, just a few Tom & Jerry bumps to the bonce.
If I shot someone it would not be out of anger. I’ve made it this far in life with guns in my household and getting it out never crosses my mind when upset.
I have gotten so angry I have hit someone a few times.
Years ago, I was working a 13 hour night shift. I set up my truck on the manhole I had to work in, which was along a freeway entrance. It was the beginning of the shift, and it was bitingly cold out.
Some hooligans drove by, and threw a waterballoon at me, that hit me square in the back, soaking me. I was already very cold, and now I had to work in wet clothes the rest of the night. I knew as they drove away that I would have shot them dead, if I owned a gun.
It’s a good thing I didn’t.
^^^ Hooligans…haha, great word.
We lived in the sticks with a long gravel road that climbed a steep hill to a straightaway that ended in a circle drive to the side of our house. The garage was on ground level there, bedrooms above.
One night some kids drove up the driveway and were partying or otherwise making noise outside the bedroom windows (one for my mom and dad, one for my brother and I). My dad raised the window and hollered at the kids, no doubt cursing. They hollered back, no doubt cursing, then spun gravel and sped away.
My father was enraged. He grabbed a rifle and ran to the front porch on the other side of the house. By then the kids had made it down the straightaway, down the hill, across the bridge, up the short hill and onto the short straightaway that led to the 2-lane blacktop. I’ll guess ¼ mile. Dad fired and heard the shell hit metal.
Next day, he went to the high school and drove around the parking lot. Sure enough, his aim (in the dark at a moving target ¼ mile away) was dead on. He found the car with a bullet hole in the roof above the driver’s side window. Probably 8 inches lower and he could have had a head shot on 2 teenagers about the same age as his own kids.
Dad was a “gun collector” that kept a small arsenal locked in the closet in the den. Through the ‘good-ole-boy’ network, he was also able to get himself appointed a deputy sheriff so he could legally carry concealed and ‘cowboy up’ when he wanted.
I’ve never been a gun proponent, even if I see the value in people keeping a well documented, minimal amount of firearms for self protection and hunting.
Not yet, but I think it a bad idea for me to live in a situation where the opportunity to deliberately kill someone without thought is considered prudent. With the latest news from Texas (of course), I realized that the state is now the proving ground for NRA positions regarding the benefits to public safety accrued from an armed citizenry. The state has already pioneered drive-thru gun/liquor stores. I’m sure that anyday now we’re going to have mandated pistols housed next to alarms and extinguishers fronted with “in emergency, break glass”
Not really. At least I don’t think so. I’ve been pretty mad for some pretty good reasons. I run across a real piece of dogshit now and then. But in my thoughts… well, I can get pretty creative in my thoughts…
@Espiritus_Corvus Haha…yeah, like fantasizing about dropping someone off in the mountains naked and blindfolded with their hands tied behind their backs. Oops, off the cliff you go. haha
Maybe lashing them to a tree and slathering them in honey to wait for the bees and ants or maybe bacon grease to draw in the cougars and coyotes. I once named a pet rat after my boss, a witch of a woman.
Every time I looked at my pet rat ” Nancy” it made me laugh. Passive aggressive humor at it’s finest. If only she knew, but then that would have spoiled my own, personal joke.
I also have fantasized about dropping about 1000 cockroaches through someones mail slot or business.
I have a very active imagination and more than a little Hitchcockian humor.
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