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LuckyGuy's avatar

Does anyone here collect cameras?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43890points) January 5th, 2016

As part of my turning over a new leaf, I have been cleaning up the stuff in the basement that has been sitting for decades.
I just discovered a box (or two) of old cameras that various relatives have dumped on me over the years. They are film cameras that may or may not work. Kodak Ektralite 10, Kodak Advantix, Tele Instamatic 608, Kodak Tele Disc, Samsung 7x zoom, Minolta Freedom K, Kodak Duaflex IV, Nikon 4004, + +.

I was going to Freecycle the mess but figured I rather give them to someone here who might enjoy a present. You can save them or clean them up for sale on eBay. I don’t care. They are yours if you want them.
PM me with your address or an address where you want them mailed.

I plan to completely fill a USPS Large, Flat Rate, Priority Mail Box. If there is still space I will stuff it with other things. US only please. I don’t want to screw with Customs.

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17 Answers

LuckyGuy's avatar

Don’t be shy. You’re doing me a favor. Honest.

Cupcake's avatar

Nice offer. I’m getting rid of stuff myself.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Darn it! I could have dropped the box off at your office. :-)

LuckyGuy's avatar

And a Kodak X-45, and a Lavec LT-002 in box and…

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

You need to work on your marketing. Try:

There was a camera in the box, but wait till you see what was in there next!


FREE! FREE! FREE! Exotic cameras from a bygone era! FREE! FREE! FREE!


I’ll pay the shipping to send you my junk.
Wait. That one might not be what you want.


One man’s junk is another man’s treasure. Let me send you some treasure!

Seek's avatar

I like treasure… Do you still have my address?

Seek's avatar

Ian likes to take pictures. Exploring these “old style” cameras could be a good project for him.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Ding, Ding, Ding! We have a winner!
I will let him/her tell you about it when it arrives.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Seek Someone beat you to it.
I’ll have to send you something else.

Seek's avatar

Hooray for the winner! Hope they love it!

Seek's avatar

I don’t have room for the flight simulator, so don’t try.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Come one! Come all! To the Lucky Guy garage sale extraordinaire!

LuckyGuy's avatar

You cannot imagine it. You know what I do for a living. I am exposed to all sorts of interesting items. Over the years I’ve collected all kinds of things and unfortunately I have plenty of room.

Can I interest you in a Tektronix 535 scope mounted on moveable rack?

gondwanalon's avatar

Just last week took 2 vintage film SLR cameras, several assorted lenses, 3 flask attachments, one video tape camera and 5 old digital cameras to the Goodwill. I realized that I was never going to use any of that junk. I was a bit surprised that they took them.

Out with the old in with the new.

I’m now down to a Canon digital camera and a Canon ESO Rebel SL1 (love it), Sony Cyber-shot (small waterproof digital also love it), Go-Pro Hero 4 (it’s OK) and my wife’s cheap Kodak easy shot.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I was told by the recipient that the package was there when he got home last night!
That is fast.

Seek's avatar

Yay, USPS!

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