Social Question

Invasion of privacy. How should I deal with this situation?
I was away for a couple of weeks over the holiday. At my place I have two planted aquariums. One already complete, and one that I’m in the process of putting together. And I have a guy who takes care of them when I’m gone. He’s only done this for me a few times prior. Feeding the fish and adding ferts to my one aquarium that has live plants. I chatted with him on the phone mid vacation and he said to me, ‘I really like the look of those rocks and branches in your big tank’. These were items that I had packed up in a sealed boxes and they were at the back of my bedroom closet. I said to him ‘Oh, really? How would you know?’. There was a long pause and finally he spoke and said, ‘well, I found them in your closet, took them out and played around with the aquascape in your tank. I hope that you don’t mind’.
I wasn’t too happy with this guy going through my bedroom closet looking through my stuff. It’s a big closet, and these were stuffed at the back of the closet in plain brown boxes. Also, I noticed a few things moved around in my place and the kicker, I’m pretty sure that he was chillin’ in my bed. I put on clean sheets before I left for vacation and the pillows were bought in October. When I came home, my one pillow reeked of dirty hair and the cushions and blankets were rearranged. I put my cushions and throw blanket on my bed a certain way. I’m pretty sure that this dude was chillin’ there. He’s not the cleanest guy. I’ve smelled him before.
Yuck. Should I say anything to him, or just let it go?