General Question

longgone's avatar

Do sleep cycles get interrupted, or reset?

Asked by longgone (19930points) January 7th, 2016

I had trouble wording this. Bear with me.

I know I go through several sleep cycles every night. Last night, I woke up thirsty and went to get myself a drink. I was pondering whether, once back in bed, my brain would jump in where it left off.

I’d appreciate any links or information on this. Because I’m a very deep sleeper, I’m aiming to wake up between sleep cycles. Will my need for water mess this up?

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1 Answer

JLeslie's avatar

I think you would start a new cycle as you fall back to sleep. Possibly, we go more quickly into the deeper stages of sleep when we are very tired? Like when we wake at night and barely feel very awake, and go right back to sleep. That would be interesting to know. I stay in deep sleep longer than the average adult, and I also have an “abnormal” brain pattern during sleep. Not extremely rare though, but it ideally shouldn’t be there.

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