What do you think is one of the most undervalued professions right now?
Hmmm… What do you think is one of the most undervalued professions right now?
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12 Answers
Animal care workers for rescues and aftercare.
Medical care health workers for children in dire circumstances.
EMS workers dealing with/on the ‘front lines’.
Families and individuals and professionals dealing with drastic mental health problems.
Cleaning crews.
Nursing home care givers.
I’m sorry @jamesruesch.
Pick one of mine. I cannot.
Plumbers, electricians, carpenters and other trades.
These are all in demand, pay well but for whatever reason are looked down on by many.
One of the most undervalues… Hmmm @msh has a good list but I’d say:
Farm field workers. They are one step above slaves.
There is not one person in the jobs mentioned above who would trade with the Mexicans (or Dominicans) cutting cabbage in a pesticide saturated field.
Maybe, by definition, the most undervalued are those who volunteer and donate their time and effort to charitable causes.
Anyone doing back breaking work who makes less than $14 an hour. I don’t mean I want the minimum $14, I mean literally jobs where people stand all day, lift heavy things, work in the heat or cold, etc.
Right now I would say it’s not just the salary, it’s the amount of hours and expectations on employees. Making $100k and being under ridiculous stress because you are doing the work of two people is horrible too. It shortens your life in my opinion, reduces happiness, and increases anxiety and anger in our country.
Companies have had a bonanza capitalizing on employee fears of a tight employment market. Companies making a fortune still are pushing employees to the point that I feel is abusive. Not all companies, but enough that it can’t be ignored.
Minimum wage workers especially bus boys, dishwasher and people who wash and fold hotel laundry for a living.
Policemen especially beat cops
Armed Forces servicemen
Morticians and Coroners
My answer reflects “undervalued” as in under appreciated. If I were to answer “undervalued” as in underpaid my answer would be me.~
Prostitution. You don’t realize it till you get old.
Butler, Housemaid, Chauffeur, Valet, Kitchen staff.
I say undervalued, but golly gosh, ours are bloody well paid.
@JLeslie work for two people, Hah! Like three or four people. It’s almost a common assumption where I am now.
The people that make sure our drinking water is clean and our pee and poop is clean enough to put back into the river.
too many answers then :( very sad reality
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