General Question

ragingloli's avatar

What are some good Anime series about people being trapped inside an MMO?

Asked by ragingloli (52407points) January 9th, 2016

I have already seen Sword Art Online and Log Horizon, so do not list them.

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7 Answers

Seek's avatar


Honestly I’m so out of touch I have no idea… Is Sword Art Online good? Should I try it?

Haleth's avatar

I don’t know about anime series, but the novel “Ready Player One” by Ernest Cline is a lot like this. The MMO (massive multiplayer online [game] for those who have no idea what this question is about) is so popular that most of humanity spend their everyday lives in it. It’s equal parts Second Life, World of Warcraft, and The Matrix. People shop and go to school, level up characters, go on quests and adventures, get armor, spaceships, etc. The whole book is a loving homage to 80s nerd culture, and the “quest” in the novel is a video game easter egg hunt.

ragingloli's avatar

I enjoyed it a lot.
It is about the entire player population being trapped inside the game by one of the programmers, who outfitted all the VR helmets with microwave emitters which will literally cook the players’ brains if they die within the game, or try to remove the helmet.

Seek's avatar

Wow. Guess that’s going on my Netflix queue.

ragingloli's avatar

You might also enjoy this one

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Reboot. Seasons 1 to 5. Drama characters fight viruses and win video games.

ragingloli's avatar

Do not even joke about that nonsense

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