Social Question

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Would anybody like to discuss (1) how wicked psyched you are about a Redskins postseason game and (2) how wicked disgusted you are about the team's name?

Asked by Love_my_doggie (13142points) January 9th, 2016

The Washington NFL franchise inspires sycophantic loyalty, throughout the good and bad. Yet, the team’s name is almost universally despised as racist.

I spent two seasons referring to the “Washington football team,” determined not to utter the word “Redskins.” I eventually gave up.

Yes, I live in greater-DC, and I’m a Skins fan. I just wish the team would adopt a potato as its mascot and stop all this controversy.

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27 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

1) I’m not.
2) I’m not.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Val, I’m glad you’re not up in arms about the team’s name but, hey, would you kindly get on board with tomorrow’s game?!?!

dammitjanetfromvegas's avatar

My husband is a life long Packers fan and I’m a Broncos fan since 1987. Ain’t gonna happen!

The name doesn’t bother me.

Seek's avatar

Hooray sports! Move the thing to the other thing! Wear spandex in a way that does not compromise your masculinity! Get the points!

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Spandex; a little something for the ladies!

I’m waiting for the return of those tight, tiny basketball shorts. Larry Bird may not have had the most handsome face, but – oh! – those legs and – ah! – those hindquarters.

Brian1946's avatar


“Val, I’m glad you’re not up in arms about the team’s name but, hey, would you kindly get on board with tomorrow’s game?!?!”

I think she may be inextricably bolted on board with the other Native American team, who massacred the Houston Honkies today. ;-)

Seek's avatar

@LMD – I’m a shoulders and arms girl. I’ll admit to enjoying the baseball playoffs this year with that delicious pitcher the Cubs had.

Seek's avatar

Um… @dammitjanetfromvegas – who was it? The lumberjack looking dude.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

@dammitjanetfromvegas I grudgingly admit that the Packers, and their fanbase, are fun. The team’s ownership is socialism at its very best, and it’s always hilarious to see fans sitting on metal bleachers, in sub-freezing temperatures, wearing no shirts. Are these fans drunk, knuckleheads, or both? :-)

Brian1946's avatar


“The lumberjack looking dude.”

Jake Arrieta?

Seek's avatar

YES. Woo, what a looker.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Seek I’m a shoulder and arms girl too. That teeny, outlined package does absolutely zip for me.
Yeah, I’m stuck with the Chiefs. sigh. They did kick some butt today! I watched a lot of the game! Well, half of the game. .... Well, a fourth of the game. OK, I watched the last 5 minutes.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Aw, I’m just a huge fan of all southpaws.

ucme's avatar

As much as I find the whole game laughable with the padded up pussies poncing around the pitch, I watch the play-offs & the fabulousdish.
Not sure why, but I have a kinda support for Green Bay, maybe it’s just their colours.

ragingloli's avatar

I do not have any interest even in real sports.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It is only appropriate that the one place in the country ,recognized as the sanctuary for the perpetually obtuse should persist in reminding us of the realities in America. It would be tough to name a location anywhere more notorious for systematically screwing the Red Man, so why shouldn’t the insulting monicker be plastered everywhere as a reminder of the TRUE benefits to being a REAL American.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I wanted the Packers to win.

I see nothing wrong the the Red Skins’ name.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’ve been thinking about this too, @MollyMcGuire. Why is naming a team after a particular ethnic group automatically an insult and not a compliment?

Love_my_doggie's avatar

@Dutchess_III The Redskins name is highly controversial because it’s considered to be racist, not ethnic. People compare it to calling a team the Darkies or the Yellowmen. If the name is derogatory or insulting, there’s special prominence because the Redskins represent the nation’s capital.

This is a very heated topic. Regardless of whether someone’s pro or con about changing the team’s name, the discussions quickly escalate into loud and vehement arguments.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

@Love_my_doggie . I know no one who considers it racist. People lay awake at night thinking this crap up.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, what about The Chiefs? There has been some whining about that name, too.

Seek's avatar

I know the mascot of the University of Illinois’ Fighting Illini was done away with.

Anecdotally: My husband’s friends (a family of six half-Native brothers) were terribly upset when it was decided to put the kibosh on Chief Illiniwek’s halftime performances. They’d have the top male gymnast in the school do a “rain dance” in full regalia.

Nate says “What, they come to the country, take our land, destroy our culture, and now we can’t even have a college mascot?”

Dutchess_III's avatar

All names and mascots that hint of color is racist. For some reason.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

(1) Not psyched. Off-shore, can’t follow.

(2) Instead of changing their name, maybe they should consider just changing their image. I mean, it’s America, right? Image is everything in America, substance is bullshit. Just change the logo to a redskin potato. They would save a ton on stationary and might even tap into a foodie demographic they never knew existed.


Seek's avatar

I’d totally root for the potatoes.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Yeah, all twelve people next door in Idaho would go for it, I’m sure. The fans could call themselves couch potatoes. Their kids would be tater tots. Locals who are slow to root for the home team would be tater traitors. They would make tater salad out of their opponents. They coul milk this thing to death.

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