Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

What would be the best way to create a group on Facebook for real estate purposes?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47126points) January 11th, 2016

My realtor called the other day, invited me to become part of his “team,” (which consists of him, his wife who keeps the books, and one other woman, who does appraisals.) He’s going to help me with the licensing and getting started.
My first thought was advertising. My second thought was Facebook.
So, suggestions, advice, experience, etc. are very welcome.

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24 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

The two factors in a successful real estate business are getting listings, and getting clients that need your expertise in finding a house to buy. Yes, that means advertising your skills.

I have a friend who is a realtor in Albany CA. And he uses Facebook well and so does his agency. I will PM his name and the broker he is affiliated with.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Thanks @zenvelo.
My realtor has been in the industry since the 60’s. He knows what he’s doing! In fact…I secretly wonder if he isn’t looking for someone to turn the business over to….......

Dutchess_III's avatar

What do you guys think I should name the group? I could put it under Alan’s name (Alan is the realtor,) but that wouldn’t really help unless they specifically look for him. What about, “Buying a House,” or something that someone clueless might search for? And why does spell check keep telling me “realtor” should be capitalized?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

What is the name of the agency now? That should be the group name.

You need to have inter-connections or form them. Facebook is social media not advertisement like in the newspapers or on billboards.

My insurance agent has 3500 friends. You need to have a reason for people to become “friends”, he has a “daily saying” usually inspirational. He is active in nine different fraternal, political and social groups in town. He is getting some of the new friends, when a “group friend” that is following him, have one of their friends start “friend-ing”.

Cupcake's avatar

I picked my realtor because of the beautiful photography on his facebook page. I mean, breathtaking. The colors, angles, attention to detail…

You should also post blogs or articles. At least something each week.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Can I put key words in for people who are searching to sell or buy a house?

jca's avatar

I would name it after the location and then the business name that is his business, since he asked you to be part of “his team.” So if his business is “Smith Realty” and your location is Mayberry, Illinois, I’d call it “Mayberry Illinois Smith Realty Friends” or something like that.

janbb's avatar

I don’t think you’d create a group; I think you’d create a business FB page and then try to get people to like it. You need to drive people to your page through networking and posting interesting content as I understand the uses of social media. I would think the nam eof the page should be the Realtor’s business name.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I haven’t seen where you can make a business page….I’ll go look.

I’m thinking of clueless people doing random searches for, for example, “Buying A House.” If I named it “Buying A House with Smith Realty” or something, that business / group page would come up if they just typed in “Buying a House,” right? Or “Realty, Smith Realty.”

You guys are giving me some great advice. Thank you.

janbb's avatar

Take a look at “BHB Insurance Services” if you want to see what a business page can look like. It’s a business I used to be associated with.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I got! I see @janbb. Thanks! What kinds of key words would lead to that page though? Do you have to already know exactly what you’re looking for?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Here is a site for optimizing SEO for Facebook pages, see if thatwill help.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Awesome, @Tropical_Willie. Thank you so much.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Tropical_Willie OK, I’m working on it now. The page I’m creating doesn’t really look like the one in your SEO link, but I’m getting around.
I read something some where about using asterisks? Does it turn the word(s) into a searchable key word?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I don’t know about special characters but it makes sense for bold and italics.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yeah, it does. I really should make a throw away page first.
So how do you turn a word into a key word?

janbb's avatar

I don’t think you need to create key words. I just searched insurance and my company’s page came up. Just be sure that “realtor” and “real estate” are in the name of the page. As you said, why not create a test page and try searching for it?

Dutchess_III's avatar

That’s what I’m doing. Or trying to! Thanks @janbb.

Dutchess_III's avatar

OK, the page is up. However, his page doesn’t come up when I do a search for “Appraisals” or for “Real Estate.”

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Google is not instantaneous, but you will need some “traffic” to the site to help. Get his friends and all the co-worker to “like” the FB page.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Also get satisfied clients to give reviews for any and all activity with the agency.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’ll start working on that. I need to get listings in, too. Lots to do.

Per @janbb‘s suggestion, I changed the name of the business to include more key words. It worked, at least if you search on FB, but I don’t like the way it appears. I went to change it again…and I can’t change it for another two weeks!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Man, you guys…you’ve been invaluable. Thank you so, so much!

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