Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

What are the top three things you argue the most about with your spouse?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23475points) January 11th, 2016

In most cases it always comes down to sex, money, and the children.
so how do you list it?

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12 Answers

rojo's avatar

I would not say argue but the points of contention are sex, vacations and whose night it is to make supper.

gondwanalon's avatar

I’ve been married for 25 year to my wife and I’ve never raised my voice to her. She’s gotten mad and scolded me twice. Both times it was because of poor communication. I never argue or get mad, I listen and then discuss the most logical solution.

filmfann's avatar

Married 31 years.
The three things that involve loud voices would be:
1) Money.
2) Whether I love the children equally (I do, but she is insecure about my step-daughter)
3) What’s for dinner (I will ask in the morning, so I know if I have to defrost something, or get an item at the store)

tinyfaery's avatar

The amount of time we spend with her family
My work situation

msh's avatar

Quit scratching.
Don’t you dare do that, I mean it.
Leave the cat alone!
Wait. What?
Never mind.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The big one is about the wife’s relentless effort to expand our already hectic social agenda. It drives me crazy.

johnpowell's avatar

In High School I had to take a Personal Fiance 1 class. In the reading of syllabus the teacher talked about how he decided with his wife to not talk about money on their drive to Medford (180 miles). It basically killed about 95% of their conversation. They were left with Burger King or Taco Bell for lunch to talk about.

I have observed similar with the marrieds I hang out with.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

If we argue it’s usually because some task around here has been placed on the 10-year-plan and I’ve finally lost it. We’re still renovating and despite original assurances things would be completed within two years, It’s over 10 years and things still aren’t finished. If we’re going to argue it will probably be because I want something finished and it’s taking way too long.

ucme's avatar

1) Who reads the other a bedtime story first
2) Who wears which dress & when
3) Not paying that prostitute after sex on a trampoline in Prague…the czech bounced

msh's avatar

you scored a 12 out of 10 possible ^
That was either very funny, or my counting is off again, damn it!

MollyMcGuire's avatar

We don’t argue.

Mariah's avatar

We’re not married, but I live with my boyfriend. We don’t really argue, but the one thing I can think of that we get annoyed with each other about sometimes is that he is very slow and methodical and patient and I am much more of a take-action-now kind of gal. He can be very nitpicky of me because of his more precise nature, but I don’t think we would ever get anything done if I wasn’t around to speed things along. In that way we balance each other out, but he can get annoyed with my seeming impulsiveness and I get annoyed with his nitpicking.

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