That’s simply absurd, @katykit.
You’ve been a member all of 5 days, and during that time you’ve participated in 4 questions. The only answer you’ve given of substance I see is about the attacks on women in Germany 1–1-16 and I gave you GA for that.
You do realize that this isn’t “Survivor”, don’t you? We don’t get to vote people out of the pool. There are moderators, and the moderators follow guidelines that were established by the founders.
”... the people who are jerks but not kicked are the ones who have more points.”
Points denote longevity on the site more than anything. Please know that those people you consider jerks? Have been that way since they joined. Many may have considered them jerks, but that’s not against the rules”.
One of the newbies kicked off was obviously and deliberately race baiting. That’s not allowed.
The other “newbie” kicked off appears to have been a troll from days past that found a way to re-join. The Mods saw a clear reason to remove him from the site.
”...this community is mainly composed of people who are poor, sick, mentally ill, fat, divorced, single parents, and elderly or very young, so it doesn’t take much for someone here to be offended.”
Now, I personally find that statement offensive, but you know what? That doesn’t making any fucking difference.” The moderators aren’t the offense police. But if that’s the start of a pattern, you’ll probably eventually be deemed a troll and removed.
Lastly, have you read through the responses to this questions??
The majority of the members were lamenting the loss of the NY guy.
The mods had a legitimate reason for removing him. We accept that.
Now please, go answer some questions where you have valuable input, like you did on the Germany 1–1 question.
Oh, and if I haven’t told you already?
Welcome to Fluther!