General Question

longgone's avatar

Where do I store pizza dough?

Asked by longgone (19875points) January 14th, 2016

I have never made pizza from scratch. I’ve got the dough ready, and it’s had time to rise – now what? I don’t want to bake it until tomorrow. Should I put it in the fridge?

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6 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

wrap it in plastic foil though

ibstubro's avatar

Oil it a bit, cover with plastic, and refrigerate.

There are some tips about using it the next day here.
Use immediately for thin crust, let warm 15–20 for thicker crust, etc.

JLeslie's avatar

I agree, in the fridge.

@ragingloli Can plastic be foil?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Fridge at 40 *F or lower in plastic.
Take it out of fridge about an hour before you roll out/stretch.

longgone's avatar

Thanks, all!

Kropotkin's avatar

Actually, cold proving the dough in the fridge for at least a day will improve its flavour.

The cold air in the fridge is very dry, so it’s important to properly wrap the dough to stop it drying out. Foil is fine—just be warned that the dough may well stick to whatever you wrap it in.

You will probably need to re-knead the dough briefly after taking it out, and then it’ll likely need another hour or so of warm proving before you can finally shape it.

If you need any evidence of my pizza-making credentials, here is one I made a few weeks ago topped with red peppers and chili.

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