Social Question

longgone's avatar

What can you not get enough of?

Asked by longgone (19847points) January 15th, 2016

…and do you ever splurge?

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22 Answers

cookieman's avatar

<=• ::ahem::

janbb's avatar

I get candy addictions. Right now I’m addicted to Skor candy bars and cannot stop until I’ve eaten the whole one. Luckily, they are small.

I also can’t get enough of my grandsons but that is self-limiting.

JLeslie's avatar

I can’t think of one thing right now. I’d say that’s a bad sign.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Ice cream & cookies are running neck & neck.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

coffee, chocolate and sometimes a good Irish whiskey or single malt scotch. All of which unfortunately need to have limits. I have been baking bread lately and once the loaf comes out of the oven it’s on.

Cupcake's avatar

Alone time to recharge.
A clean house. (I have gotten someone to help with this, but only every other week)
Food that I don’t have to cook. (We order take out 1–2 times a week lately)

ragingloli's avatar

have a guess

janbb's avatar

^ tentacles!

janbb's avatar

@AdventureElephants Was that sung in a low, sexy voice?

AdventureElephants's avatar

Haha, you got me.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Books. I love books.

I also like shoes and handbags, but I’m banning myself from buying any more.

My husband.

ibstubro's avatar

I rarely drink it, but once I have 2 cups, I’m jones’n for more, more, more!
I think it’s the combination of caffeine and addictive personality. lol

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

I would say sex, but you can’t splurge with that. Money, feta, cheddar, clams, ends, dineros, skrill, snappers, bananas, coin, bucks, dead Presidents, C-notes, paper, etc. next to that would be sleep, and if taking a day where i don’t set the alarm is splurging, then i do that.

jca's avatar

Nothing in particular. I like to shop but I try to limit myself for several reasons, the number one being my house is not that big and I really don’t need anything. No particular food. Nothing, really. Maybe time alone for rest and peace of mind.

That’s my final answer. Time alone.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Right now it’s Wensleydale cheese and black pepper crisps!

janbb's avatar

@OpryLeigh Have some cheese, Grommit?

(I’ve got some great Red Leicester.)

MooCows's avatar

apple fritter donuts!

Haleth's avatar

Music! I love music that has a “flowy” sound to it, which is hard to define. I’ve been sick at work all week (lame) and it’s left me in this kind of grey stupor. Last night I just laid on the couch in my work clothes and kind of grunted at my roommates instead of talking to them. Music is one of the few things I’ve felt enthusiastic about all week.

And cheese. Right now some melty cheese would be all right.

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