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ragingloli's avatar

What is the movie, released in 2015 c.e., that you enjoyed the most, and that you hated the most?

Asked by ragingloli (52360points) January 16th, 2016

Not necessarily the best and the worst.

The movie I hated the most: Jurassic World.
The one I enjoyed the most: Mad Max Fury Road.

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20 Answers

gorillapaws's avatar

Movie I enjoyed the most: Star Wars.
Movie I hated the most: Star Wars.

It may be the most conflicted I’ve ever felt about a movie.

Coloma's avatar

Not a Star Wars fan, sooo…my favorites..

Top 3:
1. Straight out of Compton

2, The Revenant”

3. In the heart of the sea. the Ron Howard Moby Dick tale.

Others include:

The Gift

A walk in the woods

Secret in their eyes

Mcfarland Cross country

I want to see The Hateful Eight but just haven’t made time yet because it is so long, I may try to see it tomorrow. My daughter gave it a big thumbs up.

Seek's avatar

The best was definitely The Martian.

The worst was Captive. I didn’t research the film ahead of time, so I went in expecting a thriller and ended up with an infomercial for Oprah’s favorite masturbating material.

stanleybmanly's avatar

This question reminds me that I missed an awful lot of movies that I wanted to see, and that’s alarming. This year WILL be different.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Star Wars and War Room, they share equal billing, the others were so insignificant, I cannot even remember them so i can’t remember if I did not like them. The only other one I can remember is Mad Max and I liked it, but it was in the top half, just not the top.*

flutherother's avatar

Best were Ex Machina and Brooklyn.
Worst, probably Burnt with Bradley Cooper who I usually like.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I liked fury road, the martian….and star wars. Looking forward to the Revenant. I missed quite a few I’ll catch on video.

I too both loved and hated star wars the most. Jurassic world gets the shitty honorable mention

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

That’s tough. The best was a toss-up between Bridge of Spies and Trumbo.

Spotlight was good, probably boring for many who don’t understand the difficulty of a large newspaper getting an important story like this printed and read. It’s an important story like All the President’s Men and for the same reasons was a good and bad film just like All the President’s Men

Those I enjoyed watching the least were The Revenant, The Lobster and Tarantino’s The Hateful Eight.

The Hateful Eight was just the Reservoir Dogs on a Western set. I’m afraid Tarantino is showing himself to be a one-act dog and pony show. His much lauded “unique” take on gratuitous violence peaked with Pulp Fiction. Unless he gets serious, he will go down as a minor writer/director. To me, so far, he is a critical one-hit wonder and this latest “work” cinched that.

I wanted to see Suffragette so bad, I stole it before it came out. This director et al turned one of the most important series of historical events into one of the most boring films of the last decade. The writers and directors should be dragged out and shot for being the reason for a future generation’s disinterest in women’s civil rights.

Coloma's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus Well Mr Ebert I think I may pass on the hateful eight til it comes out on video. I love westerny type films but the length of this one is rather daunting. I did like Django Unchained, did you?

Jeruba's avatar

Hmm. I had to consult IMDb’s list to be reminded of what came out during 2015, and it turned out that I saw only two of the top fifty: Ex Machina and The Man from U.N.C.L.E. I saw them both on DVD at home; they were movie-night picks for my husband and me (our tastes don’t overlap by a lot).

I thought they were both pretty awful. I probably hated them about equally, but I’m going to give the lower marks to Ex Machina because it ought to have been better than it was. It had more potential. The movie The Man from U.N.C.L.E. was an insult to a great old series that some of us still remember well from its original run on broadcast television.

If I go to the next fifty, I pick up Terminator Genisys, which was also kind of dumb, but I didn’t hate it because, well, it was Arnold.

As for the best movie I saw in 2015, again it was on DVD: Tangerines. It dates from 2013, though.

I don’t think I actually saw anything in a movie theater during all of last year. I need to get out more.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

@Coloma Yes, I liked Django. It was yet another spoof on all the salt-n-peppa films since the 70’s, including the satires. Even with a situation and lines that were old when Redd Foxx was still grabbing his chest and announcing to ‘Lizbeth that he was a-comin’, it was funny. Although mind-numbingly predictable, it held my attention, but I attribute that mostly to that young whippersnapper Jamie Foxx’s talent and not Tarantino’s. I liked it. It was OK.

(I confess that I’m pissed at Tarantino right now. I’m not giving him anything. He is incredibly talented (I cite Pulp Fiction), but all he is giving us is rehashed crap. He’s not taking his art seriously. Or maybe I’m wrong and he really is nothing more than a very good, one act, carnival freakshow.)

I saw a 2014 Western this year that was actually laugh-out-loud hilarious. A friend had sent it to me without comment. Three times I saw the title in my “New Films” folder and passed on it. I hadn’t heard of it and thought the title was droll. One night, down to the last film in my laptop, there it was waiting to be seen: ”A Million Ways to Die in the West.” I was skeptical. Good comedies are hard enough to come by, but good western comedies—the benchmark being Mel Brooks’ Blazing Saddles—are close to impossible. But I was trapped between insomnia on one the hand and the possible cure for it on the other, so I rolled film well- knowing this movie was going to suck. About eight minutes into it, I was laughing my ass off.

Turns out this film was written, directed and stars Seth MacFarlane of Adult Swim fame (Family Guy, American Dad). It was so good that I allocated to it precious megabytes on the triple terabyte drive where I keep the very best films I’ve ever seen. That’s the highest honor I can give a film: installation into the Hard Drive of Honor for Later Viewing at the Old People’s Home (HDfLVatOPH, for short). It’s not Blazing Saddles, but if Blazing Saddles is a 10, A Million Ways to Die is a respectable 7 and that says a lot.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus you forget about inglorious basterds?

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

^^I think Tarantino should stay away from direct historical references. For me, it got too unreal toward the end and once again I was disappointed. I thought it sucked. The real stories of Jewish resistance were much better. I guess I just don’t like Tarantino anymore.

mazingerz88's avatar

Best was The Walk….right now I can’t recall which one I hated…lol

jaytkay's avatar

I can’t stand Tarantino movies.

One, they’re too violent. It’s porn.

Two, he makes movies about movies. Yeah, clever, clever, you worked so many references to OTHER movies into your movie. It’s like claiming to be a great lover because you masturbate a lot.

How’s about you make movies about the human experience? Real life, not comic book life.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Give the man some credit, at least his formula is original even though he does not deviate from it much.

rockfan's avatar

“Room”. It’s the most emotional and cathartic movie experience I’ve had in years.

ragingloli's avatar

“You’re tearing me apart, Lisa!”

Cupcake's avatar

I really enjoyed Brooklyn and Trainwreck (two very different movies). Loved Inside Out.

I happily fell asleep during Insurgent (on my couch).

The Big Short made me very sad/upset, but the movie itself was good.
50 Shades of Gray also made me very sad/upset, but the movie itself was not good.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

There was one scene in Hateful Eight that I did like. I thought the rendition of Jim Jones of Botany Bay was excellent. I’ve never heard it professionally done before. It’s a great sea ditty. The woman prisoner grabs a guitar and sings it a little more than an hour into the film.

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