General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

How many unique words do you speak in a day?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33707points) January 17th, 2016

(the root of this question is a different Fluther question that asked for lists of the thousand most common words)

Suppose that you had the patience to record and tally every word that you said in a given day. (what an awful task!)

How many unique words would you use in an average day?

For example – ‘the’ counts as one word, even if you say it 400 times.

Any ideas?

(Note that this is could very well be susceptible to the Hawthorne Effect)

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14 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Hundreds. I write at work and hate using the same word more than once. I also have a fairly good vocabulary, and like the precision of using the exact right word. I used 25 different words in the first three sentences.

Seek's avatar

Definitely in the high hundreds, and likely in the thousands. I have a fairly large vocabulary, which I do not shy from for the benefit of others. This includes my son, who often asks me to define certain words for him.

If I get into a discussion on politics or religion, the numbers can and will jump significantly.

cazzie's avatar

Can I count both languages?

CWOTUS's avatar

I’m in @zenvelo‘s camp. As Mark Twain once said, “The difference between ‘a word’ and ‘the right word’ is the difference between ‘the lightning bug’ and ‘the lightning’.” So I try to exercise my thesaurus, and still be understood. Fortunately I work with pretty smart people, and unusual words don’t throw them.

ucme's avatar

A discombabulite amount.

Aster's avatar

Millions as always.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I don’t know how many ‘unique’ words I speak in a day. Probably not as many as I’d like to imagine.

Like @zenvelo, I write a lot in my job. I use Grammarly as a tool for checking documents before I send them out into the world. It’s not perfect, but it helps pick up typos, passive sentences, missing commas I might have missed. It sends you a report each week. Almost all weeks, I’m in the top 5% of users in terms of use of ‘unique’ words. And the tally is less than 2000 unique words a week and that’s out of say 8–15,000 words typed.

ragingloli's avatar

like, two.

zenvelo's avatar

@ragingloli Rather voluble today!

stanleybmanly's avatar

How on earth would you determine such a thing?

Yellowdog's avatar

WOW! I took the time to tally the unusual words per day. I was surprised to discover 52,655,587,439,749,461655,587,439,749,461,475,547,543,986,563,907,874,189,844,904,786,763,091,775,877,4,874,380,987,655,895,412,543,897,654,789,543,765,889,654,,475,547,543,986,56655,587,439,749,461655,587,439,749,461,475,547,543,986,563,907,874,189,844,904,786,763,091,775,877,4,874,380,987,655,895,412,543,897,654,789,543,765,889,654,,475,547,543,986,563,907,874,189,844,904,786,763,091,775,874,874,380,987,655,895,412,543,897,654,789,543,765,889,654,655,587,439,749,461,475,547,543,986,563,907,874,189,844,904,786,763,091,775,877,404,874,380,987,655,895,412,543,897,654,789,543,765,889,6543,907,874,189,844,904,786,763,091,775,874,874,380,987,655,895,412,543,897,654,789,543,765,889,654,655,587,439,749,461,475,547,543,986,563,907,874,189,844,904,786,763,091,775,877,404,874,380,987,655,895,412,543,897,654,789,543,765,889,654,211 words per day that are somewhat unusual..

stanleybmanly's avatar

I read the question again and see that unique is clearly defined.

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