Another great has passed. The death of an eagle. Share your condolences for Glen Frye?
Asked by
chyna (
January 18th, 2016
from iPhone
Glenn Frye of the Eagles has died. Would you like to express your condolences?
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17 Answers
I have no words to describe my grief.
I just saw the headline on Yahoo, and the irony, ( Yahoo being so overflowing with perfect journalistic skill haha ) is that the headline read ” died if INTENTIONAL” complications instead of INTESTINAL. I thought it was a botched suicide, good thing I read it all the way through!
RIP Glenn, you’ll be takin’ it easy for a long time now.
Another great makes it to the mythical celestial choir.
This one’s too close to home.
The Eagles defined my teen years, and beyond. To this day, even though I’ve heard it 1,000 times, I could sit down and listen to Hotel California and enjoy every word, every note. I have serious emotions attached to that music…not memories. emotions.
Entire phases of my life are defined by The Eagle’s Hotel California and Pink Floyd’s _Dark Side of the Moon”.
Night Glenn. Thanks. You made a mark that won’t be erased in the memory of man.
@ibstubro Wow, you must have lived my life. I agree with every thing you said.
The sound track of my twenties is fading away.
I followed the Eagles so closely, I even cam up with a poker game called Desperado – 7 card stud with the Queen of hearts wild, the Queen of Diamonds automatically folded your hand.
I lived in Santa Barbara when Hotel California came out, it came close to defining the lifestyle in those days of heady sinsemilla and lots of cocaine.
@ibstubro @chyna Yep, count me in that mix too. This 70’s girl is feeling her mortality creepeth up. haha
A ton of people die in their 60’s…it’s all life is short, in the grand scheme of things 50 years, 100 years, it’s all a miniscule drop in the cosmic bucket.
@zenvelo Haha…heavy sinsemilla and cocaine…memories of the way things were.
I am gobsmacked. I swear I was just wondering if I would ever see them in concert again. They were Excellent. One of the best shows was a double hit of The Eagles and The Dooby Brothers.It was one of the best concerts ever… He just had a way of bantering with the audience. At ease.
Well, shit.shit.shit. Each of these hits keeps getting worse. Wasn’t he just on Miami Vice last week? I bet this is kicking Don Henley’s feet out from under him. Awww, hell.
Glenn, thank you for some of the best.
Cheers. Clink
“Relax, ” said the night man,
“We are programmed to receive.
You can check-out any time you like,
But you can never leave! ”
Glenn will always be with us through his music. He can never leave.
Jesus, 2016 has been rough so far!!
I was interested to learn that ulcerative colitis was a factor here. He had just had an intestinal surgery.
Very sad. RIP
I swear I’m making a list of people to put into suspended animation.
This was my favorite.
I started listening to them in my teens. A boy that I was dating introduced me to them. I could sing every song off of their greatest hits album if you ask me to. He was such a beautiful songwriter. What a loss.
*I can sing, I meant. Too late to edit.
Yeah, he was one of the best.
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