Having secured the all important and much anticipated endorsement of Sarah Palin, does Donald Trump now have a lock on the Presidency?
Asked by
ibstubro (
January 19th, 2016
Palin is ready to “Stump for Trump”.
In return, when asked about Palin having a post in the Trump administration, Trump said:
”I would love that because she really is somebody that knows what’s happening, and she’s a special person. She’s really a special person. And I think people know that… she’s got a following that’s unbelievable. I still have people saying, “Oh, get Sarah’s support, get Sarah’s support!” No matter where I go, everybody loves her.”
How can we tell The Donald is serious?
He didn’t even call her “a babe”.
And she hasn’t pissed him off, yet, so even bimbo is still in reserve.
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20 Answers
So Loony One endorsed Loony Two.
In all honesty, an endorsement from Sarah Palin is more like drinking a slow acting poison. Trump has been bitten but the venom hasn’t started to work yet.
Maybe Sarah Palin wants to be VP?
A lock on the Presidency?
I certainly hope not.
Hell, no, but every straight man needs a good sidekick.
Let’s see. Daughter in a second baby-gate with visitation and custody in question. Two.
Last PM son, “Track” punched girlfriend, kicked her, broke her phone as she called police, then put rifle to his head to kill himself.
And this, with Trump? What a hoot!
They can sit and lookit Russia from her house, while discussing foreign policy….
HAHAHAHAHA! You made me pee a little!
The brain-iack ticket!
Trump felt he needed to lock down the nut job vote. In normal years, he would have had that in his pocket long ago, but this year has a plethora of idiots running.
Palin apparently didn’t mind Trump dissing her old running mate and rouge buddy John McCain.
Good ole’ Spotlight Seeking Sarah. The cynic in me does wonder how cash changed hands.
Icing on the buffoon cake!
If you didn’t hear or read SP’s endorsement, you gotta read this.
From what I can see they deserve each other. On Radio New Zealand this morning, our only public radio station, there were e-mails referring to her as The Trumpaline . But I guess you’ve heard that already. Anyway, it certainly amused me.
Palin and Trump are two really polarizing figures. Her endorsement should do a good job of nailing down the ultra-conservative vote while scaring off everyone else.
Actually, the endorsement is good for both of them. It puts Palin back in the spotlight which is good for her and it gives Trump some conservative support which he sadly lacked. I doubt it will move many votes but Trump and Palin both love the spotlight and this endorsement gives them both a boost. the fact that Democrats go insane with hatred when they hear her name only serves to help them both.
Perhaps he can take that gun he has spoken of and they can go sit on her porch and shoot at Russians.
@Jaxk , What type of support does Trump have other than conservative support? The party mainstream does not like him or Cruz, but only because these two come out and say what the likes of Rove are privately thinking.
@LostInParadise – Trump’s supports primarily from those that believe the country is moving in the wrong direction. Spending is out of control and the only jobs being created are minimum wage while the low wage workers are being crowded out by illegal immigrants. The House and Senate were both switched to Republican control and nothing changed. The establishment (read as current Senators and Representatives) seems to be content with what is happening. A large part of the Republican base is not and is looking for fresh blood. That is the support Trump has garnered. The Republicans in Washington look just like the Democrats. They’re singing a different tune but still from the same Hymn Book. They are all big government proponents but with different priorities. The Trump supporters believe that he can make the government work more efficiently rather than just grow larger. I’m not sure that’s true but what the hell, give it a shot. Very little of what Trump espouses fits with conservative principles. The Palin endorsement merely provides some support to the idea that conservatism may be compatible with Trump’s policies.
The Democrats are in the throes of a similar dilemma with Hilary representing the establishment and Sanders the anti-establishment. We live in interesting times and this race may very well change the course of our nation. I hope it’s not decided on the sound bites and ridicule of past elections but I don’t hold much hope.
Thanks for your answer. The problem I am having is seeing what Trump would do that is different from the Republican base. I find it hard to believe, for example, that he would either raise taxes on the rich or increase spending on the needy. He talks mostly about how wonderful he is, so it is hard to figure out what he stands for, other than his extreme views on immigration.
“Democrats go insane with hatred when they hear [Palin’s] name.”
Most people I know – Democrat and Republican – belly laugh when they hear Palin’s name. Isn’t she the one that does that hilarious parody of Tina Fey?
Damn! Thanks! I hadn’t thought of Mrs. Betty Bowers in probably 2 years.
@LostInParadise – There are more than one way to balance the budget. Reduce services (democrats hate that), increase spending (Republicans hate that), or improve efficiency (get rid of the waste and abuse). Trump supporters believe he will do the latter. He’s a good deal maker and businessman. As such he should be able run the government more efficiently and improve our trade relations with other countries. A better trade deal has the potential to bring back some of our lost jobs. There many things that could be done to improve our financial situation if the government was run more like a business. That’s what his supporters are hoping for. Both the Democrats and the Republicans have proven they are not willing or able to do so. Maybe he can or maybe he can’t but what is currently happening isn’t working. Throwing more money at every problem hasn’t worked.
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