Social Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Oscar nominees, people of color, affirmative action, quality acting - Do you think this is institutionalized racism?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33635points) January 20th, 2016

I’ve been reading the various news stories (and some of the entertainment rags). The major issue is that all of the top nominees for the most prestigious awards are caucasian – no blacks, Mexicans, Asians, Indians, or anything else non-white.

Various black actors and film luminaries threaten to boycott the ceremonies. George Clooney says “we can do better”.

But better at what?

All of the people who voted did so after, presumably, watching the movies and making a choice. Is the working theory that there is some vast white conspiracy to not vote for people of color in 2016?

Voting and making awards in the arts is inherently subjective—you like a movie, or you like an actor—or you don’t.

Should members of the Academy vote for a black actor – because he/she is black – even if the Academy viewer didn’t like the acting or the movie—simply because the actor is non-white?

Should one’s vote be ‘politically correct’ even if it doesn’t reflect the voter’s heartfelt opinion?

If so – would that be tokenism? Voting based on the color of the actor’s skin, and not on the quality of their work?

I don’t have a solid opinion. I’m trying to understand the different nuances and motivations.

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27 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

If so – would that be tokenism? Voting based on the color of the actor’s skin, and not on the quality of their work?”

The charge against the academy is that that they ARE voting based on the colour of the actor’s skin, and not on the quality of the work, just in the reverse.

kritiper's avatar

As I said in another post, it’s not like people of color have never received any awards. They do receive awards. So don’t ask me why some are crying about not getting any this time. So many times I get the feeling that so many people think that only white people discriminate and hold the title of Racist. It’s ridiculous!

Seek's avatar

Who votes this is mostly bluster to get an increasingly disinterested public to talk about this antiquated, pointless industry circle-jerk?

rojo's avatar

Everything is subjective.

I suppose this is what happens when there is not enough participation trophies to go round.

But still , it is not a job I would want.

Can you imagine watching movies with one specific goal in mind? Not getting to enjoy the movie but trying to determine which of two dozen actor/actress makes you believe they are the person they are portraying better than the others? Which screenplay is the best adaptation? Does that particular soundtrack fit better than the last 25 soundtracks I listened to instead of paying attention to the overall movie experience.

No, I will just enjoy the fruits of the labor of the myriad of people that it took to get a particular movie on my screen. From Best Grip to Best Supporting actor and all the others; my gratitude to all involved.

ucme's avatar

I just don’t think it’s that black & white ;-}

filmfann's avatar

The real issue is that few roles are going to ethnic actors.

Seek's avatar

Then that’s a problem with the production companies, not the stupid award thingies.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The entertainment business simply mirrors the realities common to the the overall society. The goings on within the academy probably are about institutional racism. But it isn’t a matter of deliberate exclusion. The Academy Awards are in fact a popularity contest. And in the main it would be fair to categorize the movie business as an undertaking by, for and about white folks. In fact this attitude pretty much describes the narrative on America most common to us all. So you ask a group that’s 94% white “what’s your favorite?” or “who do you like?” and what do you suppose you’re gonna get?

jca's avatar

On the radio today (on an “urban” station) they were saying that one of the Oscar winners from last year said that she really loves her Oscar, but the award she really dreamed about winning was the Image Award. I just googled it: That one really meant the most to her as far as peer recognition, etc.

Despite what some said on the other thread, to me it’s “demanding” awards, and I don’t think that demanded awards would be equivalent to winning based solely on performance.

ucme's avatar

Even the name is prejudiced, what about the rest of the cast of Sesame Street huh?

rojo's avatar

^^ Right! Who wouldn’t appreciate getting a Big Bird?

ucme's avatar

Or better still, a Cunt I mean Count.

Haleth's avatar

The Academy Award voters skew heavily toward old white dudes. Film studio executives are also almost exclusively white men. The vast majority of speaking roles in major studio films also go to white people and to men.

Honestly I’m really sick of major studio movies looking nothing like the real world. Almost every superhero movie has a group of a couple white guys and one white lady who is someone’s daughter, sister, wife, or love interest. You can have dragons, killer robots, and zombies in a movie, but you can’t have a black person? (Or if there is a diverse cast, how often will someone other than a white guy be the lead character?)

Another one that really chaps my ass is when beautiful young actresses are constantly paired with much older men and it’s treated as a generic everycouple. Men are allowed to age, women have to be dewy 23-year olds and are treated as a disposable commodity.

Hollywood is run by a bunch of dinosaurs. Maybe they aren’t being intentionally sexist or racist, but the movies that are being made reflect a worldview that has never been challenged. In the last 10 years or so there has been an explosion of competing options for tv and music. I wouldn’t be surprised if something similar starts happening in the movie industry. People are going to vote with their dollars and start seeking out better entertainment.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I’m pissed. The NBA hasn’t chosen one Jewish basketball player as MVP in decades. ~

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I honestly don’t care.

AdventureElephants's avatar

@LuckyGuy You’ll always have Lennie Rosenbluth, you’ll just have to settle for the best team the NCAA has ever seen.

msh's avatar

Funny, this crap wouldn’t have happened if someone’s husband had been nominated.
Hollywood lives on putting yourself out there regardless of how.
Interesting the backlash coming around. More trying to get their names out there.
Plastic world full of…. themselves.

Interesting thoughts:
Do stop whingeing about the Oscars being too white, says Baz Bamigboye

Another view. Another day.

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LostInParadise's avatar

I wonder how much of this boils down to public prejudice. What would happen, for example, if Superman was played by a black person? I can just see someone saying, “That changes the nature of the role. We all know that people treat blacks differently, not me of course.”

Seek's avatar

Hmmm. A black child in rural Bumfuck, Farmville being raised by naive farmers who turn a blind eye to all the strange haps that just happen to occur whether Clarke is around?

He’d have been in prison or reform school by the time he was eleven.

DominicY's avatar

I notice no one is complaining that no Asians were nominated. What about Indians? Arabs?

janbb's avatar

@DominicY Some of the complaints are about poor minority (or diversity) representation.

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