Meta Question

Kardamom's avatar

Care to fill me in?

Asked by Kardamom (33633points) January 21st, 2016

For awhile I seemed to have some sort of writer’s block regarding answering questions. I think that situation has fizzled out. I’ve also been super busy, the holidays were upon us, several friends and family members have been sick, including 2 that needed to be hospitalized (don’t worry they’re OK now) and I’ve been tired enough to have to go to bed early a lot lately.

So, I was wondering if any of you would like to fill me in on the highlights of say the last 3 months or so.

Thank you kindly : )

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15 Answers

ucme's avatar

I posted a thread on the death of Alan Rickman, surprised you never showed up.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Also Unbroken passed away shortly before Adi, so we have lost at least 3 people for the last 3 months.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@Mimishu1995 wow, I did not even realize. I don’t know what to say :(

dxs's avatar

There have been much less food questions since you’ve been gone.

ibstubro's avatar

“Questions for you” is dead.
The “Awards” are broken.
Clicking on a question in the “Activity for You” feed can mark more than the question selected as “read”, so you have to pay attention when you open questions you’re participating in.

There have reportedly been issues with PM’s intended to be private being posted to public
(I have pointed out more than one inflammatory PublicMessage to a member so it could be removed.)

chyna's avatar

Glad you are back @Kardamom! We need more food questions.
@Marinelife hit 75K! There is no award for that though.

ibstubro's avatar

@ARE_you_kidding_me hit 10,000, and we had a party!

chyna's avatar

@ibstubro That’s what I meant, 60K! I even hosted the party and messed it up.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

So sorry about UNBROKEN too. So sad to have people slip away.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I thought about you when I heard about Alan Rickman’s passing. I’m glad to see you back, I always miss your input when you aren’t around as much :)

Kardamom's avatar

@OpryLeigh Thank you so much for thinking about me. That news hit me pretty hard, then the Jellies passed away. What a horrible situation.

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