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elbanditoroso's avatar

Forgetting the moral aspect of slavery, would you find a slave useful for your everyday life?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33635points) January 22nd, 2016

Would it be useful to have a person to do your bidding at all times?

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29 Answers

jca's avatar

Since I didn’t grow up that way, it would be awkward.

Celebrities and other professionals have personal assistants to do everything from fill the car up with gas to hiring household help.

I’m not used to having someone else in my house so that’s where the main part of the awkwardness comes in. My aunt had a nanny living with them for two years and she said when the nanny left, the nicest part was having their house and privacy back.

I think “slave” is not anything I’d ever want. “Personal assistant” is something I can envision but I really value my time alone and my independence, so I’d not want it.

What was most helpful was having a cleaning lady but I have her no more when she became unreliable.

Cruiser's avatar

No…if I had a slave then I would have nothing to do. I like having chores…keeps me humble.

Seek's avatar

Why do you think we have children?

“Ian! Take this to your grandmother. And vacuum the floor.”

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I prefer to do things myself. I’m no use to myself if I can’t do things on my own. I see people use other people to do everyday things they are too lazy to do all the time. These are the types who would keep slaves if it was socially acceptable. I can’t stand watching good people prop up useless people. This is how we have ended up with the leadership we have now.

longgone's avatar

If this person was happy to do what I want, I suppose.

If I had to to be intimidating, or even just stern, no. That would be very difficult for me, and I don’t think I could manage to get past this feeling. I have an (innate?) aversion to orders and obedience.

LuckyGuy's avatar

It would be nice to have someone else get the wood, load the stove, clean the rain gutters, etc. On the other hand I get a lot of physical and mental exercise doing it myself so that probably helps keep me healthy.
Also I occasionally walk around the house in my undies. I couldn’t do that if someone else was watching. I’d hate to lose that freedom.

ucme's avatar

We’d definitely save on staff wages <giggles>

jca's avatar

I would like someone to clean house and cook me dinner, and fill the car up with gas.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Computers and robots are the new slaves. People really don’t like work.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Don’t Corporations that pay a minimum wage that one couldn’t possibly live off already do that?
They with no doubt find it very useful for their profit margins.

Buttonstc's avatar

Isn’t this why Brits hire Butlers, chauffeurs and Nannies?

Here in the States it’s not that much a way of life as it is is the UK. I wpuid definitely find it difficult to adjust to.

But over time, I could probably adjust and appreciate the benefits.

marinelife's avatar

I can’t forget the moral aspects. As to servants, I wouldn’t want them around all the time, privy to every aspect of my life.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Morality aside who wouldn’t find a slave useful?

By the way folks: slaves/servants, are only privy to as much as you allow them to be privy to. Want to walk around in your undies in private? Order your slave to their quarters.

Seek's avatar

Or order your slaves to avert their eyes or fucking deal with it. You paid good money for their eyes and you’re not about to worry about their modesty.

Banjo_Pickin_Appalachian_Wizar's avatar

I have a hard time overlooking the moral aspect. I feel like it would be awkward. I’m barely confident enough to delegate orders to my paid employees at my job as is.

Coloma's avatar

Slave, never, housekeeper yes.

Blondesjon's avatar

I think they would just get in the way and do things not the way I would do them.

The one exception would be a slave that’s only function was to wipe my ass for me. I think if I had one of those I’d feel like I really made it, you know?

CWOTUS's avatar

Once in awhile the idea is appealing, in the same way that “free money from the government!” sounds “fun”, and then …

There’s all that training to be done.
Evaluations on HR’s approved forms, twice a year minimum.
Safety considerations and ADA.
Diversity training, non-discrimination and assorted BS.

And then, even though Connecticut is an at-will employment state and I technically “could do it” … how do you fire a slave, after all?

No, I’ll pass.

EDIT: I almost forgot the “sexual harassment” training, plus the fact that you have to feed, clothe and house your slave and take care of ‘em if you whip ‘em too hard or break something.

Nah, give me a cute little perky blonde intern and we’re good.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I wouldn’t want a slave. I could never exploit another person in that way. However, if I could afford a personal assistant who could help me with many aspects of my life other than just work, that would be fabulous! I’d love that. I’d want to make sure they were paid well of course.

jca's avatar

Cooking dinner, cleaning house, doing laundry, putting away laundry, ironing clothes, filling car up with gas, driving me places door to door, and doing yard work. Those are the things on my list.

Here2_4's avatar

Had one. We’re divorced now.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

No, I would never want a slave and forgetting the moral aspect isn’t even possible. A slave is owned and has to do anything and everything you tell them to. I have no desire to have that much control over anyone. You may as well have just asked “Would you find having a paid servant useful?”, since at least that way you don’t even have to attempt to disregard the immorality of slavery.

That said, I wouldn’t even want paid servants. Even that would make me uncomfortable. I’m a capable person.

johnpowell's avatar

If the slave was gears and motors and code. Sure, sign me up for a robot that can clean my bathroom while I get drunk and play Mario Cart.

cookieman's avatar

^^ Yes. Robot please.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I would like someone to keep my house tidy as I’m so incapable of doing so!! It wouldn’t be a full time position though as my home doesn’t take that long to tidy even when I’m at my messiest and I don’t really have any other chores that I dislike enough to wish someone else would do them.

Blondesjon's avatar

@johnpowell . . . classic 64?

johnpowell's avatar

@Blondesjon :: Of course.. 64 was the last Nintendo I owned.

cookieman's avatar

I have a Roomba robot vacuum, which is great. They sell a Scooba robot floor mopper.

If only iRobot made a ClozWasha-N-Folda laundry robot and a Dusta-Scruba surface cleaning robot, I’d be all set. An army of robots!!

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