What video game do you believe would make a good movie, in terms of characters, dialogue, plot and story?
Do not just name games that would have great action scenes, because those are just tertiary components.
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33 Answers
I remember the first video game I saw. I was absolutely enthralled. I would watch people play for an hour. Probably not a good choice for a movie, though.
It was Pong at the Magnavox store in the mall.
True story.
The last of us.
Modern games are more like interactive movies anyway though.
So, everyone and their brother is “the biggest Zelda fan ever” these days, but I was literally playing them when they were new, so stuff it.
I’d love to see a full length Legend of Zelda movie that tells the entire story of the creation of Hyrule and the history of the Hero of Time.
Bioshock, Fallout, or Myst.
Myst would be cool. It doesn’t exactly have “protagonists”, per se, as all of the characters are pretty shitty people, but it’s a great story.
Then that is a fatal weakness.
Unless you are a master film maker and screen writer, your movie will need a protagonist to guide and connect the audience through the story.
Who’s the protagonist in Pulp Fiction?
@Seek Jules Winnfield.
I think the latest two installments of Deus Ex would be good there. Very deep issues, and Adam Jensen is a complex character.
That is why I specified “master film maker and screenwriter”.
Do you think “The Matrix” would have been any good without Neo?
Or Star Wars without Luke Skywalker?
I think Deus Ex could almost stand without Adam Jensen.
However, you seem to be under the impression that The Matrix was good in any respect other than visual effects. Hell, even Johnny Mnemonic was more captivating, even though both movies starred Keanu Reeves.
I wouldn’t call the Matrix or Star Wars great movies by any stretch. And both protagonists were basically Mary Sue characters.
@Seek Between young Anakin and Luke’s nephew, I’d say that being a whiny little bitch runs strong in the Skywalker family. Well, at least on the male side; Leia seems to have more balls than those three put together.
Another good reason to trade the colloquial definitions of “cunt” and “balls”. I don’t know a pair of balls that could take half the beating of the average vagina
@Seek were you alive in 1988?
I loved the first legend of Zelda and Zelda II on the NES. Great memories from being a pre-teen.
I was three. My dad was a big gamer. I’ve been playing since I could hold a controller. If i was on a really good run, bedtime evaporated. I was occasionally allowed to skip school to defeat a game. (Most notably Kirby’s Dreamworld and Hogan’s Alley)
I was 17 and played the shit out of it on the NES when the console ran for around $200.
I think, given the same budget, a movie starring a CGI Earthworm Jim would be infinitely more entertaining than Avatar.
You could do Myst with just about anyone as the unwitting poor dope who wakes up on the island. Steel Harbinger would be kind of cool too. And Spyro the Dragon has lots of possibility. Huh! I almost said Resident Evil.
Something set in the Fallout universe would be amazing, especially with good writing. Also something set in the universe of New Eden could be excellent if done well.
Mass Effect games. Even though they’re already kind of movies.
All that schlock in video games, anything above Cool Spot or Pong would be a waste of money, less the I-can’t-get-out-of-high-school crowd.
@Hypocrisy_Central ~Yes, anything aside from the Bible is a waste of time and the mark of immaturity because nobody over the age of 12 is ever supposed to have any fun.
Also, I disagree that Luke and Neo were “Mary Sues”.
Luke pretty much sucked at everything until Jedi, and Neo sucked too, until he got killed and resurrected.
@DrasticDreamer I think that that is true of many games these days now that we can have long, movie-quality cut-scenes instead of just a few semi-animated sprites with subtitles. I think Final Fantasy 7 was a notable evolutionary step between the old-school shallow games like Donkey Kong and the modern immersive games like Fallout 4.
You should have used Witcher 3 as an example, instead of Fallout 4.
Paul Atreides was a Marty Stu in Dune.
Rey in the force awakens was close to a Mary Sue but not exactly. Her character does not follow the fumbling whiny hero who is just becoming mature and is not very believable. Finn filled that role well and I hope they develop his character further, like he is mace windu’s grandson or the bastard son of Lando Calrissian. I hope Rey turns to the dark side.
@ragingloli Not familiar with Witcher series aside from knowing it’s well outside my area of interest. The closest I get to fantasy and enjoy it is Shadowrun.
@jerv ~Yes, anything aside from the Bible is a waste of time and the mark of immaturity because nobody over the age of 12 is ever supposed to have any fun.
Strange how people keep injecting the Bible in conversations where it was not brought up then complain when I point out where they got it wrong, or assuming I want to thwart everyone’s fun. I did not tell anyone to spend all their free time reading the Word, or tell them they could not have fun, just saying…..
All you need to know is that Witcher 3 was superior to Fallout 4 in every conceivable metric.
@ragingloli Maybe by your standards, but being of that genre already knocks off three points on my 1–10 scale without any other considerations like quality or design.
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