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Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Good morning. How was your blizzard?

Asked by Espiritus_Corvus (17299points) January 24th, 2016

How did it go? Anything unusual? Did you spend a quiet night in a toasty home or were you freezing your ass off at work? Tell us about it.

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35 Answers

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ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Disappointing, about ¾ of an inch.

ragingloli's avatar

That is what SHE said!

canidmajor's avatar

Windy, dramatic frozen pellets, drifting, accumulation, high drama; for a blizzard it was a pretty good one. I live outside the “we’re all gonna die!!!” zone, so our area totaled out at 15–18 inches, with drifts.
Today we’ll all be out shoveling, calling back and forth, somebody will have made cookies and bring them out, dogs will undo the clearing with all the digging and snuffling.
We didn’t lose power, and the sun is shining. It’s all good.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@ragingloli LOL! I know, such a tiny hole.

janbb's avatar

Similar to @canidmajor. there was more snow overnight. I would say a total of maybe 20 ” – 2 feet. It’s wet and heavy, probably icy too; shoveling’s gonna be tough. Either neighbors will pitch in or I may grab some men who usually show up soliciting shoveling jobs. No plans to drive anywhere today; it’s for eating cookies and clearing out. I hope the snow melts some of the snow that is weighing down the arborvitae; they may be taking a permanent hit. One looks like a T-Rex trying to get in the house.

jca's avatar

Woke up to nothing yesterday morning. It started around 7:30 and snowed all day. I stayed home and don’t even know how much there is, but it’s not much. I’m about an hour north of NYC. My parents, closer to NYC, got 14 inches. I’m going to go out in a little while and check it out.

Trains in NYC were shut down, there’s still a travel ban in Newark. At least 5 people died from heart attacks while snow shoveling.

ucme's avatar

No blizzard here

ragingloli's avatar

Just a lot of rain.

jca's avatar

From what I can guess, looking from the front door, it’s about 5 inches out there. I’m not going to shovel.

Mimishu1995's avatar

No blizzard here, but the weather suddenly turn freezing at the same time as the blizzard’s appearance. Guess it is so big it carries the cold to the other half of the Earth :p

janbb's avatar

Just shoveled a path from the back door to the garbage cans and the car and the front porch. Not going to be able to clear the car on my own – will need help. I think a neighbor will snowblow the sidewalk. It’s very heavy; my wrists hurt.

Cruiser's avatar

No new snow in a long time which is very unusual for Chicago area.

Seek's avatar

Awful. Had to wear a sweater when I took the dog outside this morning. Send help.

ucme's avatar

No, hardly any rain either been dry for a week.

longgone's avatar

@janbb That sounds lovely. I’m coming over. Make more soup, and I’ll take care of the snow.

lillycoyote's avatar

Mine was pretty o.k. We only got about a foot and a half of snow here. The good news is that I didn’t lose power and the wind didn’t blow a tree over on my house; the bad news is that there is a pretty good sized, three foot high pile of snow that was blown onto my patio during the storm and I can’t get out my back door.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Oh no! How will Lizzy get out @lillycoyote? (Nice to see you here.)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Nuttin’ honey.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Well, I’m glad everyone seems to have fared well.

Dutchess_III's avatar

We always do. The media always makes it sound like it’s the Second Coming of the Donner Party.

janbb's avatar

@Dutchess_III well, I did almost run out of potato chips and my neighbor was looking mighty tasty…..

DominicY's avatar

No blizzard. 3/10 of an inch of rain over the past couple days. That’s pretty good for here. lol

canidmajor's avatar

@Dutchess_III: I thought you were in Kansas?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes, I am in Kansas.

jca's avatar

I got 8 inches. My parents about 45 miles south of me got about 14 inches. My friend about 20 miles north of me got a dusting, she said.

meta_amanda's avatar

In Brooklyn, NY, we got 26 inches. My husband and a neighbor shoveled out an ambulance that got stuck on our corner on Saturday night. The neighbor was interviewed on ABC News as a local hero. (Jared stood back; the other guy go there first, after all.)

On Sunday my 4-yr-old and her dad had an epic sledding adventure in Prospect Park. Jealous momma!!! I had foot surgery last month and I’m still in an orthopedic boot; no sledding for me for a good long while. I stayed home with the hot chocolate.

canidmajor's avatar

@meta_amanda: Are you guys plowed out yet? Some friends in Queens still hadn’t seen a plow by this afternoon.

meta_amanda's avatar

Pretty much, I guess? The streets of Park Slope seem okay, but my friend in Sunset Terrace, a midwife, said almost every side street she tried to turn onto, on the way to the hospital, she had to back out of again, either because a car was stuck or because people were shoveling snow from the sidewalk into the street.

The sidewalks are another matter. I can only attest second-hand, since I can’t go out with the orthopedic boot, but Jared says walking my daughter to school is tough because many of the sidewalk intersections are 3-ft walls of snow (extra inches for the plow effect).

Thanks for asking!

janbb's avatar

Welcome to Fluther @meta_amanda !

jca's avatar

Somewhere in one of the five boroughs, a baby was born at home because they couldn’t make it to the hospital.

meta_amanda's avatar

Lol, @jca ! Well, my midwife friend made it to the hospital in time and caught three babies that day, so we know at least three families in Brooklyn were ok…And my own baby was born at home in November 2011 even without snow!

Stinley's avatar

We are having a very windy day here in the UK and the weather reporters are blaming it on your American storm! Thanks a lot – my hair is all messed up…

@meta_amanda Planned home birth? My two were born at home. One on a sunny summer’s day in London, the other on a wild stormy Scottish night in November.

meta_amanda's avatar

@Stinley Yes, a planned home birth. Congrats on yours! If I had gone to a hospital there’s no doubt I would’ve had a C-Section. Many docs in the US are section-happy, and I never had regular contractions (in 23 hours of labor). Both my best friend and my sister are midwives, and we had a hired midwife here, too, so I knew I was in good hands.

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