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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Where can I see a list of thesis papers in different fields?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25161points) January 24th, 2016

To read for fun. Hopefully for free , but I am willing to pay for them.

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5 Answers

Seek's avatar

I spend a lot of time on JSTOR. I can access it with my library card. is fun, too.

janbb's avatar

Dissertation abstracts.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

There are lots of repositories for theses. Just put thesis repository into Google, you’ll find plenty of options. If I do it, the first options are in Australia. Your local library will probably have access to databases you have to pay for too.

Stinley's avatar

The British Library has a service. From the site:
What theses does EThOS have?
EThOS aims to hold a record for all doctoral theses awarded by all UK universities (institutions). There are some gaps which we are gradually filling, but there is a record for at least 90% of all UK theses, some 400,000 records.

EThOS also provides free, direct access to the full text of as many theses as possible.

msh's avatar

Library of Congress has chosen noteworthy thesis materials.
My late sister’s was entered there.
You’d be stunned at the volume of works available.

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