Should Donald Trump's gun be taken away?
Asked by
filmfann (
January 24th, 2016
Everyone seems to agree that the current gun violence crisis is partially due to the mentally ill having access to weapons.
Yesterday, Donald Trump said he could shoot someone on a New York City street, and not lose any votes. He has also said so many crazy things during this campaign, his sanity can be questioned.
He also has a permit to carry a gun.
Should The Donald be disarmed?
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34 Answers
Seems to me his gun is not the actual problem. Seems like taking his gun would just send the gun safety debate in a weird direction.
I’d say what should be done instead is the media ownership by mega-corporations should be broken up. Massively wealthy all-for-profit organizations should not be in control of our media, nor should they be allowed to donate to political campaigns (Citizen’s United), nor should they be allowed to run our utilities and energy industries without irresponsibly (see California gas leak, oil spills, Keystone XL, fracking, etc).
If actual independent not all-for-profit intelligent journalists were providing the public’s information about politics, hopefully Trump would not be taken as a serious candidate.
Also probably we need to look at how Trump is a viable candidate even outside the media profiting on his circus act’s entertainment value, and address everything we find from that, too. Why do so many people want a clown president? Why a xenophobic president? Etc. I.e. how can we correct the insanity and childishness in our culture?
No, but I think he might need a thorough psychiatric evaluation if only for his own benefit. Many mental illnesses respond very well to treatment these days and maybe he would be happier and less angry if he got help.
No. He should go on Twitter and let voters suggest intended targets.
I think his rights to speak in public should be taken away.
Metaphor people.
Fucking look it up.
Made by someone mental enough that he might just try it.
Nah, hit him where it hurts, take his fucking hairspray away.
Lol ^ Unfortunately the wig is pre-molded to that shape.
He should be shot with it!
Gun first, then his tongue.
So The First Amendment.
Just fuck that, right?
Do they allow the insane to carry guns?
Well, I guess a lot of trump supporters are all gung ho about guns, so I suppose they do.
If his gun were to be taken away, this would simply provide him the opportunity to squawk louder, get more publicity and get the NRA and the gun lobby firmly on his side.
If the authorities did confiscate his gun it would make them look like idiots for overreacting to what was clearly a hypothetical statement made by him.
Do we really want to provide him with even more publicity? Does anyone really think they are in serious danger of gun violence from him?
Nuff said.
Not fuck the Second Amendment, @SecondHandStoke. Just not use it as an excuse to speak hate and fear.
^I mentioned The First Amendment.
In this case Trump’s lawful right to descrobe a hypothetical act.
Take his “gun” away.
While we’re at it, perhaps the 1 Train station at 77nd that he paid for out of pocket should be taken from you as well.
Anyone who thinks that a Donald Trump having a conceal carry permit is part and parcel of any second amendment issue needs at least a 2 week vacation.
No kidding, the amount of people who quote the second amendment without actually knowing it is too damn high. One of the easiest ways to spot a trump supporter.
@SecondHandStoke Was that with the “Small loan of a million dollars” from his father?
This guy is seriously out of touch.
He wouldn’t know what to do with a gun if a mugger put it in his hands. He’s always had body guards. He’s just a bully who never has had his ass kicked. If he ever did he would sit in a shower crying for days while petting his dead pet squirrel that he has on his head.
Trump’s welcome to take anything and everything he has paid for out of his pocket back if he’ll just shut the fuck UP. @SecondHandStoke
I’m embarrassed that people think he represents America.
I’m sickened that he thinks he represents America.
@ibstubro I’m with you on that 100 %. I was a native New Yorker. I was born and lived there till I was 21 and I hated, and I mean hated, that when I would encounter people over the years outside the city they would bring up Trump. I would beg them to forget about him and his existence and relation to NYC. I would tell them that he in no way could ever represent the people in NYC. That we are in no way anything like him and that NYC is a great place to visit despite having someone with a bigger ego than he has money and that New Yorkers. I remember a few years ago, I even told a guy if I was rich I would pay good money to never hear his voice on TV and have him move to another country.
So imagine my disgust when his ugly face and personality is trumpetted everywhere. It’s almost like my little hell. I couldn’t stand him in my twentys and it hasn’t improved over the last 30 years. To think that people may believe that most Americans are like this shallow twit just bugs me to no end. I feel like I’m in Dante’s 9th ring of HELL.
He never represented me as a New Yorker and He will never represent me as an American.
He’s the equivalent to Voldermort in Harry Potter. Actually Voldermort was better looking and at least didn’t sound like an idiot.
I have always held the position of Potus in high regard no matter who sat in the chair. But if he ends up there, I will never see it the same again. I would rather see another Bush, before Cruz or, He who shall not be named.
If Trump is crazy, what are we to make of all those people who listened to him talk about killing someone and just nodding their heads? It is difficult for me to understand his appeal when he causes in me such a visceral feeling of disgust.
@LostInParadise, I guess we have to ask the same question about the lemmings who followed Hitler, Mussolini, Manson, Jim Jones, David Koresh and so many others of their dangerous ilk. And I too wish we knew the answer.
I’m pretty sure there is a stat out there that you’re more likely to die from a gunshot wound if you own a gun. There’s a part of me that hopes he proves the statistic.
His helicopter should be checked for a mini gun.
I’ll take Trump’s carnival barker act over Clinton’s furious, entitled screeching any day of the week.
@ibstubro Anyone who follows Trump, is either a thug in their heart, or a racist, or extremely ignorant, or hates our country.
They are really not thinking what is best for out country.
our country. Not out. I really need to wear my glasses when I type.
Then there’s this.
Just sayin, not promotin.
Trump is now saying he was joking. I think he probably was. But that doesn’t let him off the hook or lessen my deep animus toward him. Anyone with such poor judgment to make a joke about killing isn’t fit to be the leader of our country.
Of course he was joking, but it was a joke in horrible taste, which shows, like nothing else, Trump’s narcissism and arrogance.
Take Donald’s gun away?
Hell no!
Not as long as he identifies as a Republican and there are still ducks, big Dicks, and Cheney hunting soirees!
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