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rojo's avatar

What would be the consequences if a movement took place in the US that refused to tip?

Asked by rojo (24187points) January 25th, 2016

How big would it have to be?
How long would it take to have an impact?
Would that impact be more positive than negative?

Would businesses that rely on tips to provide income for their employees have to bring hourly pay rates up into line to provide for their employees?

Would employees who rely on tips to survive quit and go on unemployment or apply for supplemental assistance such as welfare and food stamps?

Would employees who rely on tips rather have a set wage where they knew what they would be making or would they rather have the tip system?

Would the price of, let’s say, a meal be comparable to that of a meal with tip? Greater? Smaller?

Would the governments need to step in? Would they try to ban such a movement or try to get employers to revamp their system of employee compensation?

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