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I'm looking for an App which is available for both IOS and Android which will play in the background using YouTube playlists. Can you help me out?
And please don’t suggest Mixerbox. (I started using it a few years ago when the first version came out and basically lost all my playlists when they came out with versions 2 and 3 of the App.)
Even tho the playlists are still there, I cannot access them to add or subtract anything. And they either can’t or won’t connect my acct. name to me.
So basically, they pulled a bait and switch and all that work down the drain for nothing.
I don’t think it would be all that difficult to connect me to my account since theyre both IOS but apparently they’re not even interested in trying. Hence my search for a new one doing essentially the same thing.
To clarify, the playlists don’t necessarily have to be directly imported from one’s YouTube acct. It would be nice but not necessary as long as you can create your own playlists within the App itself.
There are so many Apps in both stores doing similar things (and with similar icons) that it makes it so confusing to search for.
So, hopefully someone here is using one they’re happy with.
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