General Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Why have the occurences of listeria-poisoned foods risen?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37825points) January 28th, 2016

It seems to have risen. There are many more instances of it in the media. What’s going on?

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3 Answers

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I read something from Bill Marler (who is a food safety lawyer) the other day that said warming waters have led to an increase in food poisoning in relation to oysters. He also mentions pre-packaged foods. I’m not sure what happens in the US, but I’ve noticed much of our produce is now imported. So fruits and vegetables come in from overseas, even the bagged stuff. That means that lettuce you bought in a bag may have been washed in unclean water, or have been packaged in conditions that wouldn’t be acceptable in Australia or the US. Hands not washed etc.

ibstubro's avatar

There are only 25 hundred cases of listeriosis in he U.S. each year, but out of those an average of 1 in 5 dies from the disease. So part of it is awareness, like Sal and Arnie when I was a kid.

We depend on refrigeration to to provide us with a full compliment of summer foods year round, and listeria thrives in cold temperatures.

Strauss's avatar

It is also a product of the industrial production of food.

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