So your question isn’t just “Would you join ISI[L] if your life wasn’t so pretty?”, it’s also something like, “if you were from a war-torn Middle Eastern country, your friends or family have been killed and reduced clean water, electricity and Internet and safety are all semingly being caused by Western aggression?”
And I understand that ISIL offers much-needed money to people and includes some not-directly-violent tasks.
Well, definitely not, because:
1) It feels clearly like a bad wrong idea.
2) It looks really dangerous.
3) It looks very likely to eventually have some sort of awful consequence, including violent death for me and my family.
4) I don’t want to work for people I don’t respect or trust.
5) I don’t want to perpetuate cycles of violence that are going nowhere good.
6) I don’t want to inspire others I know to do the same, for all the same reasons.
7) If I were going to dedicate myself to a cause for change, I’d choose something that seems positive and likely to change things, not escalate them, and that doesn’t endanger myself and others.
8) I’d look for just about any alternatives.
Also, as for your hopefully-joking Apple suggestion, I also would not work for Apple for some of the same reasons (1, 4, 6, 7 & 8 apply), and I hear Apple is a contender for worst employer ever, at that level ( ).
However, if you mean, “Could we stop having violence in the Middle East if we gave the people there what they actually want, or maybe even if we just worked to make sure human needs there were met for everyone?” then yeah, probably, as long as we’re willing to actually listen and stop doing what we’ve done for decades. The place to start, I think, is removing corporate control of our own governments, so we stop trying to dominate the region to keep oil prices predictable for the sake of oil companies’ and mega-rich investors’ profits.