What does indicting the ones who made undercover videos of planned parenthood mean?
Asked by
flo (
February 2nd, 2016
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82 Answers
It means the Grand Jury found it very likely that the supposed reporters committed a crime (forging drivers licenses).
People in the legal field find it “highly irregular” because the Grand Jury did not do what the prosecutor wanted them to do. That is highly unusual.
Ir means some contemptible bozos have finally provoked a slap from a public disgusted with their methods.
It means a States Attorney feels that these people who shot the video have violated invasion of privacy laws which protect parties or individuals who may have been secretly videotaped without their consent. These videos seem to provide evidence that this has indeed occurred and why charges are being brought.
1) The fake licenses
“indicted on a charge of tampering with a governmental record, a felony”
2) Plus they committed the crime that their hoax video tried to pin on Planned Parenthood
“Mr. Schaffer said he believed the misdemeanor charge stemmed from laws prohibiting offers to buy fetal tissue…Mr. Daleiden sent an email to [Planned Parenthood] in June offering to buy fetal tissue for $1,600 per sample”
Indict: formally accuse of or charge with a serious crime.
Otherwise, where is the question, because the answers are in the link you provided?
What is it you don’t understand?
It means they want to kill the messenger.
The fact that a grand jury IN TEXAS without any prompting whatsoever brought back indictments against these slime bags is telling. Personally, I think it necessary that matters such as abortion not be reduced to ho-hum routine on the order of “changing the oil”. But this crude lesson in ends justifying means should be stomped on and hard.
So, let’s say in cases of:
-slaughterhouse torture, (I mean torture for fun, by particular person/s for the sake of argument)
-babysitter or family member abusing a dépendent.
-an SS soldier living in US let’s ay, confessing to a “friend” etc., etc., etc., ...
are they supposed to be asked if they could be recorded secretly?
If a recording is made illegally, it is not admissible in court. The nature of the crime does not matter.
But eavesdropping laws generally specify audio recording.
So your slaughterhouse and babysitter videos (and bank/store surveillance videos) are admissible if they do not have sound.
@flo That’s not what they were indicted for. They were indicted for other crimes. They used forged identification.
And, they attempted to buy fetal body parts,which is not legal.
It’s as if you, as a private citizen, tried to go buy heroin from a doctor in order to get him in trouble,
But to get back to the Plant Parenthood case, the prosecutor brought brought it up as legitimate case.
Another important point – Texas is a “one party” state. You can record yourself and other people without their knowledge
“Two party” states require you to inform the other people they are being recorded.
As @zenvelo points out, they are not being prosecuted for recording. It’s the fake IDs and the attempt to buy fetal tissue.
@flo the prosecutor put the case before a grand jury, because Texas being Texas, it was the politically astute thing to do. The great shock is that the jury not only found no grounds to prosecute Planned Parenthood (as has been true with every investigation made of the organization). The jury (apparently on its own volition) took the extraordinary step of indicting the scamming accusers responsible for clear and glaring violations of the law.
The laughingly misnamed Center for Medical Progress now finds its neck squarely on the block with a defamation suit from Planned Parenthood. Perhaps the lawsuit and these 2 indictments will put a damper on all the amateur theatrics against an organization at the forefront of womens’ health.
“They attempted to buy fetal body parts”? @zenvelo? No, they pretended to buy in order to get the evidence. Fake IDs? same idea.
“It’s as if you, as a private citizen, tried to go buy heroin from a doctor in order to get him in trouble,” No it’s not. Besides if he is not selling heroin then there is nothing to record.
From the article:
..to spread malicious lies about Planned Parenthood.”
“Planned Parenthood still cannot deny the admissions from their leadership about fetal organ sales captured on video” which means for profit doesn’t it, not just “to cover the cost”?
Where is the problem if the population knows what they are doing?
@stanleybmanly , @jaytkay, @zenvelo
All your posts show is that you sound like the defense lawyers for PP, that’s all.
@flo Sales does not mean profit. They sell tissue at cost.
It’s the way Dr. Ben Carson got the fetal tissue he used on experiments back in the ‘90s.
And, they didn’t pretend to buy. They would have made the purchase if they could.
Remember…innocent until proven guilty. It’s “seems” obvious that the Center for Medical Progress touched the legal third rail by staging this video that flirts with entrapment charges. To bring a grand jury into alleged criminal misdeeds often means there is an agenda being pushed by very powerful people that are demanding revenge justice for this video that once again did some serious damage to a very politically coveted organization Planned Parenthood.
I just don’t see how you can charge and prosecute a person who disguised themselves and pretended to be a buyer of body parts and not also charge and prosecute the Planned Parenthood people who didn’t pretend or disguise their intent to fulfill their ability to have fresh baby body parts readily available for sale to them.
All your posts show is that you sound like the defense lawyers for PP
Planned Parenthood has not been charged with a crime. They do not need defense lawyers.
I just don’t see how you can charge and prosecute a person who disguised themselves and pretended to be a buyer of body parts and not also charge and prosecute the Planned Parenthood
The criminals tried to buy body parts. Planned Parenthood ignored the illegal request.
@jaytkay ummm…did you actually watch the video in the link? At :55 in the video, the lady in PP offers a price of ”$75.00 a specimen”. Offering a price in no way exhibits an attempt to ignore the “illegal request”...she is now actively participating in the illegal activity of selling baby body parts. Please don’t tell me the sun is shining when it is raining complete bull shit.
@flo But that’s just the point. All the investigations and sleazy posing, and not one indictment. There simply is no proof of SALES, regardless of the great and deceptive effort of the scammers to portray the matter as the marketing of aborted babies for profit. Those opposed to Planned Parenthood may be alarmed by the legal distribution of fetal tissue for medical research, and are welcome to oppose it. But to deliberately and consistently distort the truth in the attempt is both contemptible and defamatory. And every time they do it, donations to Planned Parenthood go through the roof. Now they’re going to be hauled into court to be exposed for the inept and dishonest crowd they are. The very name of the outfit speaks volumes on the integrety of the bunch of em.
@stanleybmanly I may be misinterpreting the intent of your comments (not the first time either) but I do not think the intent of these rogue videographers was to get people arrested but more so to expose what they feel is a numb disregard for human life which is against their core values that are often driven by their religious mores that support the right to life. Those that support Pro Choice also have their right to express their views over their need to have a baby in its 3rd trimester hanging out of their vagina while their fetus is filleted to be distributed for a nominal and legal fee to researchers.
This all may seem perfectly OK to you and others who support Planned Parenthood but there are others like me who are sensitive to the core reality of when a man spurts his sperm in a woman it often produces a miracle of life at that very moment. To champion the notion that it is somehow OK to sell freshly butchered fetus body parts is repulsive to me and a very large part of our nation as well. So to attempt to diminish anyone’s personal sensitivity to this subject matter is IMO just plain wrong. You may be OK with babies being slaughtered and sold like Catfish fillets at the SuperMarket to researchers…I am not. And anyone that makes an extra effort to expose this barbaric exchange of discarded baby body parts should be supported no matter what means they employed as IMO it rises above the very people who offer up excuse after excuse that the services Planned Parenthood provides to funnel bits and pieces of human fetus’s for research in exchange for money is somehow OK? If that is what you want then go for it and don’t let me get in your way…just don’t expect or demand that I support this insanity with my tax dollars.
They weren’t selling baby parts. They were selling fetal tissues at the cost of preserving and shipping them.
And, @Cruiser, it is not supported by your tax dollars. That;s why they have to charge the medical researchers who use the tissue for research. Dr. Ben Carson had to get funded to get the tissues he used for research.
@zenvelo “They were selling fetal tissues at the cost of preserving and shipping them.” All well and good and I suppose we should then allow drug dealers to charge for the cost to package and smuggle pot into our country while we are at it. I am perfectly OK with pot!
You are usually spot on with your facts and answers and if you care so much….speak to this…
“Planned Parenthood has received federal funding since 1970, when President Richard Nixon signed into law the Family Planning Services and Population Research Act, amending the Public Health Service Act. Title X of that law provides funding for family planning services, including contraception and family planning information.”
@Cruiser Yes, but those funds are specifically prohibited from use to fund abortions, which is where the fetal tissue comes from. And, abortion is only 3% of PP’s services. The Funding they do receive goes to provide cancer screening and general ob/gym health services, and contraceptive services.
@Cruiser No. I believe you still don’t get my gist. The Center for Medical Progress wants to shut down Planned Parenthood and though I certainly don’t agree with their position, that motivation is fine by me. It’s their tactics and methods which are both underhanded and flat out dishonest. And there isn’t a single legal entity that has looked into the allegations of the Center that hasn’t been forced to agree that those charges are groundless, and the people making them are by implication patently dishonest. I have a question for you. Abortion is legal. What should be done with the resulting fetal tissue?
And one last question. Which is the greater evil, a society in which a woman can choose to have an abortion or a society where the government can compel a woman to bear a child?
If PP and their believed that there is nothing wrong with doing what they are doing with the fetal tissues then why did they not declare it to the public before they even started the practice? This is a major social issue topic. Do you suppose they went all out to make sure that there is no electronic bugs in this meetings?
No one has answered my question in my last post:
Where is the problem if the population knows what they are doing?
@Cruiser Right on the money!
@stanleybmanly Their name Center for Medical Progress is laughbable you say? What is laughable is @zenvelo asserting that they recorded themselves, committing a crime, so that the authorities can use it against them, right?
Those of you who are defending PP need to live in countries where life is not valued where poor people have one kidney because the rich can just go and buy it
Planned Parenthood has been distributing fetal tissue to researchers for years. The organization serves a vital function in furthering absolutely essential research, and there has been nothing clandestine or secret about it. And I defy you to name ANY organization that has done more to promote the health of POOR women than Planned Parenthood.
@ibstubro You lost me at “Using, to put it bluntly, human waste.” I sincerely doubt they can harvest viable donor organs from a 3–5 month old fetus so I am having a hard time getting the point you were trying to make.
@jaytkay Tremendous testimony to how many there in our world that cannot control their hormones and take ownership of their sexual choices. Why am I not surprised by your stats especially when it is all free for the taking?
Why is it always the 3rd world regions of the country so happy to deprive the destitute of birth control. It’s the same folks railing about all of the social misfits on the dole. You would think that the average 9 year old might understand that nothing swells the future welfare rolls like a bumper crop of unwanted children. It’s the same conservative jackasses propositioning men in airport restrooms that turn around and lecture the poor on controlling their sexual appetites.
@stanleybmanly Have you not yet heard about Obamacare? It is a nifty freebie from the Government that enables the destitute to get all there reproductive needs met for free! And I am sure you will be thrilled to know the conservative jackasses are now paying double for their health insurance premiums to help cover those in need to get free condoms and abortions no Planned Parenthood or conservative jackass lectures needed.
There’s nothing “free” about Obamacare, which is in reality a scheme cooked up by insurance companies to avoid socialized medicine. In fact the jackasses were crazy about the scam when Romney’s name was on it. And if the jackasses are so busy paying double their former rates in order to finance contraceptive services for indigent freeloaders, why is Planned Parenthood overloaded with clients wherever they set up shop?
@stanleybmanly Of course it’s not free! All the conservative jackasses and the middle class are paying paying premiums that are near double what health insurance was 5 years ago to help pay for the free policies those living below the poverty level can get.
Obamacare is indeed free for millions
Exemptions: In general, if you make less than
$11,770 a year as an individual or $24,250 for a family
of four, you are exempt (in Alaska and Hawaii the
limit is higher). You’re also exempt if the cheapest
plan after assistance will cost more than 8% of your
families income, or 9.5% of employee only income
after employer contributions.
That means over 46 million people could qualify for free Obamacare except for those unlucky enough to live is states that have not yet expanded Medicaid but they can still apply for catastrophic policies through the exchange.
But honestly I am not as upset about the cost of Obamacare as I am that 46 million people are living at or below the poverty level. And I am not blaming just Obama for this dilemma our country faces….Congress needs to finally get their shit together to start finding better ways for improving our job market so these people can find work at decent paying jobs..
Who wishes a lot more, women don’t use condoms, practice unsafe sex,, and go out with perfect strangers with those laughably called by some, “dating sites” * so they can make more money with the fetal tissues? It is not the ones who recorded the meeting that’s for sure. The companies that use these fetal tissues are or will be making money from it.
That statement shows your level of ignorance on the subject of fetal tissue research, @flo.
If you have information that women are profiting from having abortions in order to provide fetal tissue, you need to post it.
Or send it to the Attorney General.
Is it your belief that the $35—$75 Planned Parenthood is collecting for fetal tissue transfer is being shared with the donor women? That the women are intentionally getting pregnant and having a medical procedure to end that pregnancy for, what, $20, $30?
That’s a fantastical and ludicrous contention, if so.
@flo Planned Parenthood is the most effective organization in the United States in providing condoms, teaching about safe sex, and preventing abortions.
@jaytkay Does the fact that Trump has been highest in the polls must mean he’s the most presidential of all?
@flo Yes, if you are a Republican.
Yet that is a false comparison. One is measured effectiveness, the other is popularity.
@zenvelo Cannot you also now apply your same logic to Sanders as being the most Presidential?
@Cruiser Yes, you can make a similar statement. To a large number of New Hampshire-ites, they are both Presidential.
But that still doesn’t change the flaw in @flo‘s thinking.
Has Trump been making undercover videos?
What the fuck happened to Planned Parenthood?
Can You translate this, @flo:
Who wishes a lot more, women don’t use condoms, practice unsafe sex,, and go out with perfect strangers with those laughably called by some, “dating sites” * so they can make more money with the fetal tissues?
@ibstubro The word wish must not be visible.
is directed at me, and is gibberish in context.
@zenvelo First thing, see my last response to your last post.
@zenvelo I think the word “presidential” in my last post is misinterpreted to mean ” in a superficial sense. Or, it must have read like I meant that he could be vice president but not president. Nooooooo no no. Trump is cannot be likened to anyone else of course. Not even to Ben Carson eventhough Carson said that a moslim shouldn’t be a president, which I think he walked back a bit on.
Eventhough (most?) of the other republicans candidates are on the same page re. banning moslims, (which is really odd), they are decent comapred to Trump. Trump is from is from the planet horrid.
Today he is even calling for an assasination. “I would get China to make that guy [Kim Jong Un] disappear in one form or another very quickly,” Trump said Wednesday on “CBS This Morning,” fresh off his New Hampshire primary victory.
Asked whether that meant assassinating the dictator of the reclusive regime, Trump shrugged.
“Well, you know, I’ve heard of worse things, frankly.
So, he is not a straight talker, or entertaining, (unless you’re out to lunch) or a clown. Clowns are not hateful, racist, mysogynist, the same way gardners or plumbers aren’t
Bernie Sanders is the opposite of (Trump the nightmare) as opposite as you can get.
Among seral killers the one who killed the most would be the most presidential. So?
@zenvelo _Yet that is a false comparison. One is measured effectiveness, the other is popularity. It is not false comparison. His measured effectiveness, sadly, is that he has managed to target certain kind of people and say popular sounding (to their ears) things to be popular among them. He is effective in being ahead in the polls
He is effective in being ahead in the polls
Which does not make him “presidential”. Trump has no track record of public service.
Planned Parenthood is the most effective organization preventing abortions.
Send them a check if you want to reduce the number of abortions.
@jaytkay your middle paragraph points to the shortcomings in logic of those so vehemently opposed to the existence of Planned Parenthood. You would think that the logical approach to eliminating PP and its indisputably great advancements in improving women’s reproductive health, would be to emulate their efforts (minus the abortions). Why is it that the loudest and most vehement opposition to PP is ALWAYS from the health care deserts in the country? Places like Texas, where idiots make the ridiculous claim that PP is unnecessary. The vacuous claim that sufficient alternatives exist in a wasteland like Texas is worse than a lie. It’s a STUPID lie visibly refuted by the droves of women desperately crowding into every PP in the state.
PP providing the fetus tissues to some profit making entity is like a brewer having an ad that says don’t drink and drive.
I’ll ask you the same question I asked Cruiser, the one for which I still await a reply. Since abortion is legal, what should be done with the resulting fetal tissue?
@zenvelo I believe @jaytkay‘s last post is meant for you I guess because my point in my posts of course show that even if he is effective in getting himself be ahead in the polls. it doesn’t mean he is president material or anything that gets him within earshot of anyone.
Re. “Yes, if you are a Republican.” i.e if you’re a Republican Trump is presidential, right? No, no no. I think it is most of the republicans (but I’m not sure,and I hope the vast majority) are against Trump There is website out there by Republicans/conservatives against Trump similar to this:
I brought up Trump responding to your:
“Planned Parenthood is the most effective organization in the United States…”, but maybe the better comparison would be some cleaning product that scores a D minus or even an F can end up selling the most, among all the ones that were tested.
@stanleybmanly You can deal with what is already out there first @zenvelo posted above “And, they didn’t pretend to buy. They would have made the purchase if they could.” How could you not challenge that kind of statement?
Why would you ask me what should happen with the fetal tissues? I’m not the one who wants fetal tissues to exist in the first place.
@stanleybmanly I know abortion is legal though thankfully many states regulate and restrict certain abortion activities. And for what to do with the freshly harvested human body parts is I would like to see them treated more respectfully is all. From what these videos show is the aftermarket let’s make a deal exchange of human remains is disgusting and nothing short of barbaric.
Okay so the process is revolting. I suppose harvesting the organs of the dead is also disgusting (unless you need a kidney). The issue is this. Abortion is legal, like it or not. An aborted fetus is the result, tragic or not. Fetal cells are indispensible to resarch with the potential to remedy innumerable diseases. Planned Parenthood has been absolved of any wrongdoing by a grand jury convened in TEXAS! Can you believe that? They aren’t selling fetal tissue for profit. They aren’t selling ANYTHING. Doesn’t it make perfect sense to treat fetal tissue with the same regard and protocols we accord donated organs. The women involved are all given the choice as to the disposition of the fetus. They certainly receive no financial benefit from the decision. You 2 can be as obstinate about this as you choose. Abortion is legal. The unfortunate byproducts of the procedures are invaluable in the advancement of medicine. The logical, legal and necessary results should and will continue, and I regret your discomfort.
1)Donated organs and the fetal tissues resulting from abortion for convenience’s sake for example, or alternative to birth control pills etc. are not comparable, because people are going to die anyway. Most unwanted pregnancies are very prevantable.
Why punish the unborn child who had no role in how the pregnancy happened, Should you be killed just becuase you were the smallest person most defenseless person? You had nothing to do with something bad that happened between your biological parents?
2)Imagine asking a doctor, or an addiction specialist to suggest a cure/recipe for hungover? Imagine a doctor or addiction specialist, giving it to you? They are supposed to help you end your drinking habit, not help you continue on the path to….
@stanleybmanly PP can’t be invested in helping to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies if they are involved in providing profit making fetal tissues. Conflict of interest, straight forward.
“They certainly receive no financial benefit from the decision.” How can anyone make that statement? I don’t know how you can be soooooo convinced that there is no extra money ending up in PP’s hands.
If there were a shred of evidence that PP turned a nickle in profit your side would be blaring it to the world, and they would be out of business, because it would almost certainly be illegal. Your side and the center couldn’t find the evidence, so they attempted to manufacture it. THEY LIED! For God’s sake, get it through your stubborn head that THEY LIED. I’m convinced that PP receives no extra money because they are still in business. IT’S THAT SIMPLE!
@stanleybmanly “If there were a shred of evidence that PP turned a nickle in profit your side would be blaring it to the world”
“I’m convinced that PP receives no extra money because they are still in business. IT’S THAT SIMPLE!” You have no reason to be convinced one way or another.
It’s not about finding a shred of evidence or blaring it to the world. O.J Simpson was found not guilty, is it necessarily because he was innocent? I don’t know. You’re saying since he was found not guilty he must be innocent. Or that Madoff was innocent until the day he was charged.
Those people were ALL ARRESTED when their alleged crimes were discovered. PP has been investigated over and over, time and again, and NOT ONCE has a shred of evidence been discovered to justify an arrest. There is NO evidence of a crime, and your center is going to pay through the nose for LYING and stating otherwise.
“your center”? Is that (that I’m from the center) your idea of fact? You must be from PP then, according to your own logic. Me on the other had don’t know whether you are or not.
“your center” merely means we’re on opposite sides of a debate. You’re advocate for the center, while I defend PP. It never occurred to me that you might actually have anything to do with the criminal enterprise. We are both here making the case for our respective “clients”.
@stanleybmanly You’re sooooooooo not helping your side, (PP) with that response, and all your other posts. On the other hand please reread all the posts.
@stanleybmanly Also, It adds to the facts to start your posts with @flo ..
It helps you to not use all caps, it makes you too biased too emotional, less reliable source of info. Might be better to use emphasis, or italics or both at the same time.
There’s no need for @flo. Who else is here? I’m sorry if I’m mistaken in my belief that you were defending the center’s actions as
common to responsible journalism. If you agree with me (and the grand jury) that their behavior was unethical and probably criminal, then this conversation has nowhere to go.
As you requested, I’ve gone through the entire thread and now understand clearly what I’m up against. @zenvelo ‘s statement “And they didn’t pretend to buy. They would have made the purchase if they could” . You asked “how can you not challenge that kind of statement?” The answer is that the statement can’t be challenged because it is a perfect description of the purpose of the scam as well as the motives of those enacting it. If you do not realize that this back and forth we are having amounts to a defense on your part of the Center for Medical Progress and its actions then I owe you an apology for wasting your time as well as my own.
@stanleybmanly Responsible journalism sometimes requires the journalist to go outside the box to report things that you or others may find offensive even if the manner or actions the journalist were outside the law. They were indicted for their misrepresentations but does not remove the fact that PP willfully agreed to meet with anti-abortion activists David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt. It is court record that these 2 sent an email to PP saying they were interested in buying fetal tissue for $1,600 per specimen way above the $60–70 nominal cost to provide specimens earlier discussed here AND this PP agreed to meet with them.
So yes these guerrilla journalists did sneaky things and may be convicted, wrists slapped or have a judges finger sternly waved at them to not pull stunts like this again…but that is not getting in the way of the Governor of Texas in his pursuit of charges against PP for illegally selling freshly butchered baby parts…
“Despite the grand jury’s indictments, Republican Gov. Greg Abbott said the state would move forward with its investigations of Planned Parenthood, including inquiries by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton.”
“Nothing about today’s announcement in Harris County impacts the state’s ongoing investigation,” Abbott said in statement. “The State of Texas will continue to protect life, and I will continue to support legislation prohibiting the sale or transfer of fetal tissue.”
“In a statement confirming the ongoing investigation, Paxton said, “The fact remains that the videos exposed the horrific nature of abortion and the shameful disregard for human life of the abortion industry.”
In the end….where there is smoke there almost always is fire.
@Cruiser @flo The Center for Medical Progress people are not ‘responsible journalists”, even if you say they are. They are not part of a free and independent press, they are activists trying to create a situation to exploit so that they can demonstrate a negative behavior. And then they had to manipulate the evidence to create a false impression.
@zenvelo I never said “they” were responsible or that they were even journalists as I was merely generalizing the concept of reporting information via the media. The fact remains that because of these individuals investigative guerrilla tactics whether right or wrong, the TX attorney General is now continuing its investigation of PP’s actions in this matter. Again…where there is smoke there almost always is fire.
The deception and posing aren’t really the issue at heart. The real issue is that the representatives told the scammers specifically and repeatedly that fetal tissue was NOT for sale, and nominal fees of $35—$70 covered expenses.
Now here is the part left out or ignored in our discussion. The would be investigators then proceeded to doctor the recorded interview excluding both the denials from PP and the ridiculously low fees covering costs. They then offered up the misleading results as proof of the marketing of dead babies for profit.
@stanleybmanly All well and good except the real issue that remains is the TX Atty General is still pursuing this case and they do not waste their time with frivolous cases and furthermore I have provided links to validate my statements and you have not so you leave me in limbo as to being able to determine if your statements are more than just your own opinions on this matter.
I read these events as positive proof that theTexas attorney general will snatch at any excuse however frivolous to close down PP. I mean if within the very shrine of backwater conservatism a grand jury cannot be trusted to do the bidding of a prosecutor, things must be really running askew.
@stanleybmanly how you read these events is entirely your prerogative and it is also very OK that you seem so uneasy about facts and opinions that do not support your expectations as that is what makes this country so great and additionally that we have the right to freely volley our thoughts back and forth.
Tell me truthfully do you find the goings on in Texas usually conforming to your definition of normal expectations?
@stanleybmanly truthfully I pay little to no attention to what goes on in TX…my attention is focused on my business and the crap load of good ol’ boy bullshit that is and has put my state into a death spiral.
@stanleybmanly “There’s no need for @flo. Who else is here?” Another non fact you’re presenting. There are at least 3 others in this thread.
And why oh why, would it be necessary for you to not start with @flo, esp. after I pointed it out? Where is the problem? We have to have unwanted pregnancies We have to have abortions. We have to provide fetal tissues to profit making entities, the same way We have to make sure we don’t address the person we are responding to. See?
*“I’m sorry if I’m mistaken in my belief that you were defending the center’s actions as
common to responsible journalism”*
That’s called twisting. I addressed the topic as a topic not as I know this organization well they are this good that good etc., unlike your defense possision, of _PP is such a great organization…. See?
@zenvelo ”....a negative behaviour.” You said it.
“And then they had to manipulate the evidence to create a false impression.”
From @Cruiser‘s last post:
*” It is court record that these 2 sent an email to PP saying they were interested in buying fetal tissue for $1,600 per specimen way above the $60–70 nominal cost to provide specimens earlier discussed here AND this PP agreed to meet with them.”
Why didn’t they send them back “unthinkable for us to do that” email. And why didn’t they call the FBI and report it?
@zenvelo, and @stanleybmanly, and anyone else who’s still on the defending PP’s side,
my question in my last post above is meant to address you, eventhough I only addressed one if you.
@flo PP chose instead to meet the the 2 scammers in person, and it makes perfect sense. I too would want to get a look at anyone stupid enough to propose engaging in a criminal act over the internet. That’s the other thing. The scam was openly asinine.
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