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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What are some weird medical curiosities that are good to know about? (NSFW )

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25073points) February 3rd, 2016

Like polydipsia (water intoxication ). Also fecal transplanting.

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17 Answers

Mariah's avatar

Are you wanting to know about things you should watch out for or just random interesting/weird/gross things?

Anyway, here’s random stuff I know about:

* If you pee black you either have a kidney stone or a really bad UTI

* If you have an open wound and start feeling sore all over for no real reason, get yourself to a hospital and ask for a blood culture. This is how sepsis starts.

* Ladies with certain conditions or who have had surgery in their rectal area can get a really fun complication called a recto-vaginal fistula, which is basically a small tunnel that connects the rectum and the vagina. It gives you the superpower of being able to fart, or if you’re really lucky, even poop, out your vagina.

* If you’re on IV nutrition and don’t eat anything, you’ll miss eating for the taste, but you won’t feel hungry. Hunger is caused by a need for nutrients, not an empty stomach

* If you have certain conditions or have had abdominal surgeries, you are at risk of small bowel obstructions, in which your bowels become blocked off and you can’t eliminate waste. A lot of pressure builds up above the site of the blockage and it’s super painful. In extremely serious cases, you could end up vomiting poop.


zenvelo's avatar

Polydipsia is not water intoxication. It is excessive thirst.

Water intoxication is hyponatremia. It can be deadly.

Mimishu1995's avatar

- Want to be absolutely fearless and carefree? Have your frontal lobe removed. Side effect: you will also lose your dignity.
– There’s a disorder called lissencephaly. Newborns affected by it have hardly any fold on their brain. The result is a loss or impairment of an awful lot of brain functions and body functions in general.
– By default, the white cells generated to fight bacteria are destroyed after they finish their work. But what if the body doesn’t destroy them? Well it’s time you went to the hospital.
– Sometimes if you think you see ghosts in a particular place, it might be just some infrasound around you. The infrasound can vibrate your eye sockets and create the “ghosts” you see.

jaytkay's avatar


I had a friend in high school, and he became voracious. It seemed like he was eating twice the normal amount of food for a teenager (which is already huge).

I don’t remember anything about how he might have ingested the tapeworm, or how it was eliminated.


Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Approximately 72% of people with diagonal ear lobe creases have serious cardiovascular disease. A person with a diagonal ear lobe crease is often about to have or has already had a heart attack. If this person isn’t under a cardiologist’s care, then a full cardiovascular workup is warranted. It’s called “Frank’s Sign,” and it’s an excellent diagnostic tool, the use of which was documented by the medieval physician Nostradamus.

If your feces float in the toilet, you’re probably consuming too much fat.

If fat is solid at room temperature, no matter what the label says, it is probably saturated fat, the kind you should stay away from.

The 1991 edition of Taber’s Medical Dictionary has a listing called “Jumping Frenchman of Maine Disease”. Evidently there was a rash of strange behaviour during the French and Indian War (Seven Year’s War) when Frenchmen from Maine (they were very specific on this) would suddenly jump out of the bushes and behave erratically when the enemy came near—to their own detriment. Today we call it Turret’s Syndrome.

Cruiser's avatar

if you jump out of a 20 story building, your life already ends peacefully more than six meters before impact with the ground

Here2_4's avatar

@Cruiser , have you tested this?

Cruiser's avatar

@Here2_4 I will do anything once…but there are a lot of things I will not do twice!

Jak's avatar

I just read that Juan Peron seems to have had Eva lobotomized prior to her death, probably to ease the pain from the cancer in her. Cancer that he probably caused. His first wife also died of cervical cancer.

Here2_4's avatar

@Jak , what is your source? How strange. I am curious, and I would like to see the article.

johnpowell's avatar

My first GF and the woman I lost my virginity to would never take her socks off. Only years after we broke up I found out why.

And yeah.. It is just as stupid as I hope you were expecting.

ucme's avatar

A guy stole one of Oscar Pistorius’ prosthetic legs, he got athlete’s foot, curiosity or bad karma?

Jak's avatar

@Here I was watching Evita and googled it just a couple weeks ago but I don’t know how to link on this phone.

Mariah's avatar

@Cruiser That can’t be right…wouldn’t people die sky-diving?

Cruiser's avatar

@Mariah I inititally thought the same thing when I read this article

Mariah's avatar

Ah…so they do die from the impact, but sensory delay is such that they perceive themselves as being still six meters from ground when they die. I thought you meant people could die from falling without impact and couldn’t wrap my head around it, lol.

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