Shall we congratulate the FBI for stopping the Oregon terrorist episode without bloodshed?
Except for the guy who pulled a gun on the police (not a smart idea) this was handled very peacefully.
The Oregon terrorists finally surrendered today. Kudos to the patience of law enforcement – in most other countries the terrorists would not have lived this long.
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15 Answers
They have learned a thing or two about public backlash crazy or not
No, they should have fertilised the ground with their blood.
They also picked up the father, Cliven Bundy. when he arrived in Portland to stir up trouble.
Nicely done – they got him coming off the plane, so he had been screened for weapons already.
This was about as perfect as you could hope. Everyone alive and except for whats his name.
Cliven getting nabbed is a added bonus.
I have been listening to the live feeds for weeks from these people. It is pretty funny that they think all viewers are supporters.
Even as they were walking off to be arrested they kept asking about how many viewers on youtube.
Yes it was an example of smart police work, and renders future actions by such dissidents more problematic. It’s one thing to assemble to back up aggrieved residents, quite another to discover yourself ignored and left to wear out your welcome til the “aggrieved” are sick of you.
I don’t consider one dead, “without bloodshed”.
25 charged and one dead isn’t good – much less great – odds, IMO.
Then they should have stayed home. They destroyed ancient Indian artifacts from the park that were kept there. Drove cars and used fuel that wasn’t theirs. They are not people with rights. They gave them up when they started. Too long to stop this. Now others will think they can do this too. They were not right and allowed to continue too long. They need to go to prison and be stupid in with other people. Maybe they need to go somewhere else like prison without their guns. They need to be fined and work it off in prison for a quarter a day.
Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
Oh wait… I get it. it’s acceptable to use the terrorist label if the group in question is US citizens.
Well, @elbanditoroso it is not like they were fuxking liberal ecoterrorists, black panthers, La Raza, AIM members or anything like that. These were Conservative Christian, Right Wing Republican, Straight White American Good ol’ Boys.
The 25 must be charged and prosecuted. It’s a stark letdown from the heroic hoped for “don’t tread on me” shootout. Rounded up and prosecuted like common vandals and vagrant punks is hard on the self image of fantasy patriots imagining themselves heroic resisters of an oppressive government.
I guess to some, terrorists are not terrorists if they are white.
They should have done it the way the conservative hero Trump wants to do it:
Kill them all, and then kill their families.
“The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families”
“They care about their lives, don’t kid yourself. When they say they don’t care about their lives, you have to take out their families.”
If we kill more than the family of Robert “LaVoy” Finicum, that might be considered bloodshed, @ragingloli, and that might…er… kill the buzz.
I prefer to condemn the armed idiots who caused the whole thing.
Too bad it wasn’t a campaign stop.
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