General Question

tinyfaery's avatar

Is today world "support marijuana" day?

Asked by tinyfaery (44297points) July 25th, 2008

What’s with all the avatars? I want one.

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41 Answers

robmandu's avatar

Start here.

and I don’t even like mary j.

wildflower's avatar

too funny!

dragonflyfaith's avatar

I was almost wondering if I had skipped ahead to april 20th…

tinyfaery's avatar

I’ve had some good times with Mary myself.

Thanks for the info.

El_Cadejo's avatar

mannnnn everyday is support marijuana day. I think im going to go support it right now :)

PupnTaco's avatar

We’re on hiatus until our teenagers grow up & move out – four more years at the earliest.

TheHaight's avatar

haha, I was just asking myself this question, noticed I had a “question for me” and clicked it… And it’s this question. Fluther is psychic. But I agree with über., everyday is a support marijuana day :) I can’t support it right now.. I’m at work :(

loser's avatar

I still dig my jellyfish but I’m all for declaring today world marijuana day!!!

tinyfaery's avatar

We can say it started here on fluther.

girlofscience's avatar

Hahaha, I was going to ask something like this because I noticed so many people had changed their avatar to a pot leaf. I’ll do it too.

loser's avatar

How funny! “Smoke 2 Joints” just came on the radio as I was re-reading this!!!

Knotmyday's avatar

Not an MJ fan. But I did have a spiritual experience lately, which expanded my senses considerably.

It all started when someone passed the vinegar. Then the salt…

dragonflyfaith's avatar

Great now I have this song stuck in my head.

wildflower's avatar

Oh stop it “knot”, now I’ll have to order that f’n’c with lots and lots of tartar sauce! think you’re giving me the munchies….this avatar is doing strange things to me!

hahahah…dragonflyfaith, I like that song! But I actually prefer the censured version – they were quite creative with that!

girlofscience's avatar

Is it clear what mine is?

wildflower's avatar

Yes, but I have to say, it looks disturbingly much like a ‘statue’ of something else…....
<-has a total gutter mind!

PupnTaco's avatar

Yeah, GOS – it’s a dildo, right?

dragonflyfaith's avatar

A multi functional dildo it seems…

robmandu's avatar

Iwamoto’s cousin? (see over his right shoulder in the background)

tinyfaery's avatar

ha ha ha I agree. Dual purpose. Unless its glass.

girlofscience's avatar

Okay, so that bong looked too much like a dildo. This one’s a bowl from 3 different angles.

robmandu's avatar

The dildos! They are multiplying! Now coming at you from different angles!

PupnTaco's avatar

Cool, mini-dildos! Purse-size!

Whatever floats your boat, I’m not here to judge.

dragonflyfaith's avatar

Wow, I wonder if it’s the topic, but everything is looking like dildos now. You just can’t win GOS.

I think this discussion is giving me a contact buzz…

tinyfaery's avatar

@girl Is there something you want to tell us?

girlofscience's avatar

Fine. How about this one of me smoking a gigantic 17g blunt?

Knotmyday's avatar

As Freud said to his cigar…

tinyfaery's avatar

@girl You can’t win. I like this one best.

PupnTaco's avatar

I was just gonna say you can’t win with us, we’ve got weenie on the brain.

arnbev959's avatar

“support marijuana day”? sounds good to me.

TheHaight's avatar

^^petes avatar wins!

MissAnthrope's avatar

Haha.. I was wondering what was going on.

Let me throw in my support, too!

tinyfaery's avatar

Thank you to everyone who celebrated the first annual Support Marijuana Day! This day will go down in history as the first holiday conceived on the world wide web.

Our motto: “I think I’m going to go support it right now”. Coined by uberbatman, on July 25, 2008 on fluther.

wildflower's avatar

This really is just too funny…..something tells me this is way beyond what cheebdragon had in mind when she issued the challenge

dlevick's avatar

everyyyyy day

Kraken's avatar

That should be all the time including leap year.

azhaiaziam's avatar

Well, from my study of marijuana there are allot of medical benefits. Pain reliever, reduces fever, reduces nausea from chemo thearpy, helps with Multiple sclerosis and allot more. Marijuana has been practice medically for many years in China and India. (I do not smoke or use Marijuana)

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